Erasmus groups #sharing moments #staying connected

Karolina Manhosa Landowska
Mobile Reputations
Published in
4 min readJan 28, 2016

(part 6)

I came from Poland for Erasmus Program to Athens to Panteion University. For the need of the class of New consumers trends, I had to take part in the project, that we have to observe some community. Our team decided to observe the Erasmus community. As i said at the beginning, I am one of the Erasmus people, so it was easier to take part in Erasmus people life. The project was about observation, how we communicate, how we spend time, which activities we like and also what we gain from this program.

First of all i want to say why i picked Greece for the Erasmus. First thing, that caused me to choose Greece, was weather. Sunny days almost everyday make you happy and full of life. Second, was history. It is nice to see all this ancient places, and also think that 2000 years ago, people where living in this incredible buildings. Also be in the place, that first time people where talking about democracy and politics. Another thing was curiosity. I have never been in Greece, so for me it was amazing, to live among people with different culture and habits. Also architecture is totally different, that i can see in Poland. I think, that is the most important reason have convinced me to come here and i do not regret.

From my observation i can say, that Erasmus community is unique. Inside are happening things that normally does not exist. One of it is trust. It is unbelievable, that people who do not know each other can trust to themselves without any problem or suspicious. Also they are so helpful and polite. It does not matter what kind of problem do you have, people are trying to solve it. Erasmus people can quickly find the way to communicate or stay in touch. Internet is the magic invention. You can talk with the people from another country with any borders. Another thing that I observe is, that people in this community are so creative and friendly. They are making a lot of events and activities like trips, picnics or cooking show, and they are inviting everyone to join them. This program change people. They are finding the inside themselves the character traits, that they did not know before.

This program gave me not only new friends, but also experience and knowledge. It is my second Erasmus, so i had some ideas how it looks already. But, different countries, different experiences. I came here actually only for one semester, but it was enough to understand the differences between mine and Greek culture. Also, I could practice my language skills. Unfortunately only English, but i learned some basic words in Greek language. I met so many people from the other countries, who also came for the same program. And it was relay nice spend time together. We did hiking through the mountains, we went for ice-skating or bowling and also for the parties. But the best things that we could do, was cooking. It is so interesting to try different cosine like Italian or French. Some of this people became my friends and i will do everything that I can, to be in touch with them, even when the program will finish.

This time also teached me, how to survive abroad and how to solve the problems that it happens in daily life. This program, this short time of my life, gave me a feeling, that I am not only citizen of Poland, but all Europe. I think that is the best idea of this program and I hope that every year will be more people, who want to be a part of this.

