Mobile Reputations
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2016


So,yes I am one of the billion people who are on social media,too. And, Yes! I’m lovin’it. And let me tell you why…

First of all, I use my Facebook profile, which is private, in order to communicate with my friends but mainly with the students of the University. I follow pages that are related to volunteering, kids with special needs, fashion, events and pages with encouraging quotes and videos from every day life that give you hope.The truth is that I don’t use it the way i used to. I think it is because everyone is on facebook now, all the ages… I am just waiting for the day I receive a friend request from my grandmom. (Jesus,I hope not!) Maybe it has become an app over-used and it’s going to be replaced by other apps.

For example, I am also on Instagram , in a private profile, too. At this moment, I find it the most interesting way to explore places through photos. I follow pages about travelling, world-wanderers, accommodation, fashion and my favorite team’s account; Barcelona FC. I post many pictures of my trips and my everyday life because I want to share them with my followers (only people that I know in person) and especially my friends and cousins who live abroad. It’s an iconic way to be connected with your people and see the news in pictures and spots. It’s also known that Instagram has become one of the most popular ways to advertise whatever you need. It has given “money” to many people with inspiring accounts only by posting the product and influencing the dear followers. For me, it’s just a way to explore and gain information through inspiring pictures and videos from all over the world.

Furthermore, one more favorite app on my Iphone is Snapchat although it’s about the moment , I like it because it is quick and funny . I snap my foods (lol) my walks down the streets and next to the beaches, some moments of my everyday routine like going to the gym or cooking and of course I use the snapchat filters. The one with the dog is my favorite,hah. Of course it’s not only about snapchatting. The most amazing thing for me about snapchat is the fact that it uploads snaps from abroad and information on different subjects.

I also have an account on Twitter but I don’t use it at all,since I don’t find it that interesting. My Medium profile was created during a lesson at the University and since then I use it really often. It’s more serious and the posts here are thoughtful.

Moreover, whatsapp and viber are the solution to my mainly communication with my buddies. You just need internet connection and then…Wow! You send mesaages, voice messages,pictures, videos and all of a sudden with one button you just see the silly face of your best friend live! It’s with one frase “Patt of my life”.

These are the apps I use and the reason why they still on my Iphone.✔️🙋🏾✌🏽️😁

