Social media & I : a new way of sharing

Mobile Reputations
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2016

Following the class “MobileReputations Collaborative Consumption in Sharing Economy” given by Betty Tsakarestou at Panteion University, I was asked to talk about my relation with the social media. So I am gonna tell you a bit more about what we could call the Mobile Me.

If you ask my friends, they will they you that I am quite connected to the world. This, meaning that I am really often on my phone, usually checking my feeds and posting on social media.

Facebook is the platform I use the most. I am on this platform since I can remember. 10 am, my alarm clock rings. First thing I do is to check my phone and my facebook feed. What are my friends doing ? What are my favorite pages’ new updates ? What happened when I was sleeping?
Most of the content I post on this media is pictures about my life : friends, new major updates about me, and mostly my travels all around the world. I like to share pictures of nice landscape and places I visit, festival I go to, or parties with my friends. I also use a lot the messenger part of facebook to talk to people. It is very easy and I consider it as an exchange tool like sms.

Instagram is my favorite media. I really love to post on it. I don’t have a particular frequency of posting, I just do whenever I see or do something that I enjoy.
I mostly follow my friends to see their lives. But also bloggers, foodie account, tattooist account and DIY pages. This part of instagram is kind of my dream life, when I scroll my feed I dream a bit about life and stuff.

Snapchat is a social media that I enjoy a lot as well. Since I download it I can’t stop using it. I think the way videos only last 24 hours is actually really nice. I often post snapchats of my parties, my travel, but not the same things I would share on other platforms such as facebook or instagram. It has this side of “going to the trash” that I think makes us post more funny or secret things.

Also, I have a LinkedIn account that is only profesional. It is kind of an online résumé for me. Since for example my facebook is only for my private life, I needed a social media for the profesional side of my life.

I think that all of those platforms are a new way of sharing about ourselves. They connect people from all around the world and enable an easier communication. Being in Greece for an erasmus since september, it is for me something that is really important because I can stay close to my friends and family.

But be careful not to fall into the tricky part of the internet and forget the real world.

You can see my little presentation just right here.

Stay connected !


