Vivien Lobenwein
Mobile Reputations
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2016


*Social media in business

Social media is a part of my life as well, like everyone else in our generation. I am also interested in other people and it is a good way to get to know someone better. If I would analyze myself, I think, I am in the observer category. This means I share rarely contents, I use social media mostly for posting my photos. For me it is a type of self-expression. I do not like sharing personal datas, where I am, what I am doing etc. In my opinion there are too much personal datas on the internet. So I do not share things like this, but on the other hand I find also important of being on the social media. I mentioned that it is a part of our generation, we not only live in real life,but also online.

The Observer uses social media almost daily, checking the posts, shared stuffs etc, but do not leave comments and a huge amount of likes. It does not mean, that I post never. I post as well, but not too often, mostly when I am abroad for staying in touch with my friends. It is easier for me to post some photos, than texting everyone how is this place, what are my impressions etc. I have some security reasons, which I mentioned, why I do not post often. There is an other reason as well, which is that I like keeping my life personal. It is too familiar for me, and also I do not want to be an “opened book” nor the audience either governments etc.

My online platforms are: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. I do not use any professional platform yet, but I am planning to start it. I follow my friend’s posts, some travel blogs, cooking blogs, news portals (The Times, hungarian Index, so the big ones), some funny app pages like 9gag etc, bored panda (especially for its artcontent), fashion as well and some photographers. Snapchat is new for me, I started to use it a few months ago, just for fun, I don’t post, but I am checking the effects often and take some funny photos, which I save and share some friends, who is on Snpcht. If somebody is not using it, I still share the photos in an other platform, like the messenger. Messenger is one of the most important part of the social media for me. I use it even more than the real Facebook, because I am texting with my friends really often, sometimes in every hour, or more, but sometimes just daily. It depends on my free time. And if I mentioned free time, I think this is really important in social media, because it has been started to steal our free times, so we should keep it within bounds.

and my prezi:

