Social Media through our eyes

An interview with Lukia Babasioti, a student of Panteion University, with the orientation of Advertisment & Public Relations.

Evi Sidiropoulou
Mobile Reputations
4 min readNov 24, 2016


Let’s take a look on her answers, and find out how she uses social media and what her image is in there.

Meet Lukia :)

1.Tell us some things about you? Help our readers get to know you a little bit!

My name is Lukia Babasioti and I am 23 years old. I am in my 4th year in Panteion University, in the department of Communication, Media & Culture, with the orientation of Advertisment & Public Relations. I have worked in many musical sites as a journalist and producer.

2. So, how much time do you spend on social media?

I spend 2–3 hours, daily, in social media, as this is a way to inform myself and get out of my comfort zone, simultaneously.

3. Do you see any changes in the way you use social media now, than you did when your first started using them?

Yes, of course. At first, I didn’t know the possibilities of social media or the applications in them. There is a wealth of information and you can be informed very easy for every subject you want. That’s the magic of social media.

4. Society & Social media, could you define the relationship between these two?

Inseparably interwoven with each other, since the one supplied the other with issues. In social media, we comment about the society and in the society we comment about the social media.

5. Could elaborate a little bit on themes like friendship within the context of social media?

I Strongly believe that social media helps in friendship as well we can keep in touch with friends who are staying abroad for example, or even looking for old friends and peers.

6. What is your opinion of other people using social media?

Nowadays, I believe that everyone should use social media, as it helps, for example, in identifying and promoting a business or even in finding work. There are infinite opportunities to broaden your horizons.

7. The rise of Social Media and generally the digital growth has given rise to new business methods like collaborative consumption. Are you familiar with that concept?

Yes, of course.

8. Do you consider this concept good for the traditional market?

I consider it very good as it helps in highlighting businesses. Currently, it has shown very good signs in the market and from that, apparently, there is an increase in buying and selling, according to the samples so far. Of course, because it is something innovative, it must be given some time to see if it can stand the market.

9. Studying in a field like ours do you see yourself working in any collaborative consumption oriented kind of business?

I believe that when I will be in search of work, collaborative consumption will have been developed enough in the next decade, so surely I will work on it.

10. Closing our interview is there something that you would like to point out? Something in particular that you would like people to keep from this interview?

As time passes — I mean years, social media have helped a lot in different areas of our life. Whether in man’s life, either in an enterprise or in finding work. There are dangers out there and we should be informed about them all the time!

11. Do you use social media through your mobile phone, mostly, or a computer? If yes, tell me a little bit about it — Is it comfortable? If no, could you imagine do that?

I use social media mostly with my mobile phone. It’s easier and faster than a computer. You can check anytime you want the things that are attracting in you, without have to wait to come back home to do it.

12. Tell me a little bit about your mobile apps that you use. And how do you do that?

The apps that I use are the basic social media like: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. As I said before, for me is a way to get close to your friends and share opinions, photographs, even if you are separate.

13. What’s your opinion about people who use their mobile phones when they are gathering with friends? For example in a cafeteria, a party or something like that.

“We should do eveything with measure”. It’s a phrase that I strongly believe. This is valid for that circumstance, too. I believe it is very bad — if i can use this word — when the other is all the time with a mobile phone is his hand, while he is with friends. The mobile phone is good, but a communication face-to-face is better. I mean, the laughter, the good times you get when you are out with your beloved ones, you cannot live them in front of a screen.

14. Do you believe the fact that, people have forgotten how to communicate in real life because of the mobile use of social media?

Of course. The personal contact of people have changed a lot during the last, few years and that’s something very sad. Generally, I can say that we overuse the new technology and that we have forgotten how to have fun, to observe the world, or the nature, or anything. We are hiding in front of a screen and we don’t laugh or talk as we used to.

To sum up, Lukia is a very cheerful person as far as social media is concerned. What I mean is, that she loves them and thinks that it is a great way to be informed, chill out, have fun and work on them. She is very optimistic about them, and as we can see from her answers, social media have taken a major part in her daily life.

Interview by Evi Sidiropoulou

Team Members: Ioanna Krioni, Ioannis Argyris,Giannis Katsafados, Evi Sidiropoulou.



Evi Sidiropoulou
Mobile Reputations

Senior Student at Panteion University at the Dept. of Communication, Media and Culture. Orientation : Advertising & Public Relations