“The Mobile Project” Insights | Mobile Reputations Course

Konstantina Nikolopoulou
Mobile Reputations
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2018
When we joint our forces to make the “mobile project” in class

Within the course Mobile Reputations of AD and PR Lab, three teams collaborated and we made an “all together mobile project”. This is actually, an on-going project, that started individually as “Mobile Me”, then it became a teamwork as “Mobile Me & You” and now the teams worked together with the insights of the previous projects.

We divided our insights in four different categories: Social Media, Communities, Streaming and Tools.

As about the Social Media, we noticed that the two most popular apps right now are Instagram and WhatsApp, each one for a different reason. Instagram became so popular up in “the ashes” of Facebook, because Millennials needed a new social platform to be occupied with and Facebook was already “too boring” for them. So Instagram came out, at first with only photos, but then it became an industry that can be someone’s job. Millennials worldwide are enjoying Instagram the most, instead of Facebook, which only existence, now, is to inform about the news, or just another page scroll down.

So, in the communication part, WhatsApp cames first worldwide, instead of Messenger. That’s a difference compared to Greece messaging apps usage. In Greece, Messenger is coming first and Viber is also very popular. Viber wasn’t even mentioned in other countries and that was an interesting insight that all the teams had.

Another common insight, is that Snapchat is dead worldwide. It was “one of the apps that everyone loved to have”, but it “passed away” quite early, even though it is still updating with new features and filters, the Insta-stories and the Messenger stories came to also add filters and take away Snapchat’s pride and public.

Our insight for the Social Media category is: “The feeling of always being connected”.

The next category we created is Communities, because, as it’s commonly known, Millennials just love being a part of any case community. The interaction that is provided, is almost vital for them and they really like the feeling of being a part of a group, which is like “a bigger family”.

We sectioned our Communities in: Gaming, Movies, Fitness and Photo Edit. A gaming app is PUBG, which is used for entertainment, but for professional purposes too and for movies there’s IMDB which is checked for new releases, ratings and to make lists.For fitness some popular apps are Lifesum and Keeptraining, that are like a pocket-size personal instructor and for photo edit, there’s VSCO and Snapseed, which are used for hobby or more professionally, for production.

Our insight for the Communities category is: “ The digital mirror of ourselves”.

Moving on to the Streaming category, we sectioned it almost like Communities: Gaming, Movies and Music. Millennials worldwide are really into streaming, so for gaming there are the apps Switch and YouTube, for movies there’s Netflix and HBO and for music there’s Spotify and iTunes. Streaming is an “it” now and nobody can be apart from this.

Our insight for the Streaming category is: “Stream it or miss it”.

Last but not least of the categories, is Tools, where we included the apps that are making our lives easier by using them. These are Maps, Translator, Alarm clock, Transportation apps and Calendar. We all need them, we all use them daily, worldwide and it will never change.

Our insight for the Tools category is: “Our digital personal assistant”.

Well, there you have all of our insights and notes! It was very fun and interesting for us to collaborate in class, exchange our ideas and go this project a step forward!

Kudos to Betty Tsakarestou for the Mobile Reputation course of AD and PR Lab for making us researchers for such and interesting reason!

Team: Konstantina Nikolopoulou, Athena Styllou, elena kouki, Antonis Katsis, Liana Kollia, Korina Simeonidou, Ioannis Spiliopoulos, ted m, Alexia Stavropoulou.

Professor: Betty Tsakarestou.



Konstantina Nikolopoulou
Mobile Reputations

Account Executive || MSc in Information Society, Media & Technology @ Panteion University of Social And Political Sciences