Nikoletta Galati
Mobile Reputations
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2016


The Storytelling of Chill Out web-tv Part 2

Chill out web-tv is a newly constructed community which consists mostly from university students. The students don’t study the same thing, they can study anything. Their main goal is to cooperate in order to create a live show Chill out web-tv once a week.

In order to understand how they work and what exactly they share we used two basic tools:observation and interviews. Observing the team wasn’t really hard for our team because two of our members participate in the making of and the presentation of Chill out web-tv. The hard part was come along with all the information that we found out. So, in order to have a clear image of their work we observed them in their social media (private groups and conversations). It is really impressive how active and passionate they are. After that was about time to meet them in person and see how the work is done live. We observed every move they made for two days. The one day was at their weekly meeting where they talk and create the flow and the material of the show. Day two was show time! We had a glance how they come on air and what’s happening behind the scenes.

It was a really unforgiven and stressfull experience and that’s because those students work hard and do their best. They are all alert during the show to check if everything works properly and if everyone is ok. And now that we were all familiar with the procedures of the show was about time to do some interviews. The steps that we followed in that part were simple. We split in pairs of two and interviewed all the members of the community, including our partners so us to see what’s their point of you about their community.

After all the above we were fascinated first of all by the dedication that they have to the show. We met almost all the members of the community who were more than happy to answer all of our questions and talk about their venturing. So we could easily observe how they work and most important how they communicate. Even when their apart they share their ideas, projects and other material by social media and emails. The key-words for this community are collaboration and trust without them the team would not have achieved anything. It is crucial to collaborate and have trust, otherwise each and every would do their own staff and a complete result wouldn’t come out. Moreover, they create fundamental values for their work which helps them to built a strong character with team values.

For more information on our research stay tuned for part 4.

Coming together is a beginning keeping together is progress working together is success. (Henry Ford)

AnastasiaIoannidi MariaSarlani Rafaela Plataniti Katerina Aggou Betty Tsakarestou



Nikoletta Galati
Mobile Reputations

Student at Panteion University, Study Communication, Media and Culture, Member of Ad & Pr lab