Ross Sheil
3 min readDec 3, 2015

‘Mobile Micro Moments’ means macro opportunity

A Caribbean customer pulls out their phone, searches for a product/service and clicks on the result [CALL]. [RING] you or your colleague picks up the phone on the other end. Calls like this from mobile search will reach 73 billion per year in 2018, up from 30 billion in 2013, says Google which recently released research into these and other so-called ‘Mobile Micro Moments’.

Micro because when in the old days marketers would leave fixed markers for customers — a print AD, a billboard, a TV Ad in the commercial break — customers now create many millions more moments themselves with their smartphones:

• Before searching 90% are uncertain which brand they want to buy from.

• “Near me” searches grew 200% in the past year.

• 82% consult their phone in store.

• 73% say getting regular information from an advertiser is the No.1 attribute in choosing between brands.

  • Only 9% will stay on a mobile site or app if it fails to satisfy their needs e.g. to navigate quickly.

‘But that’s probably just limited to the United States, right?’ Nope. Consider that the average smartphone user in the U.S. looks at their screen for a total of just 3 hours, compared to 3.8 hours in Jamaica where mobile network Digicel reports that Google is the most-used app on its network.

The challenge for marketers, not tomorrow, but today, is therefore to learn, predict and find ways to connect with customers at these moments. Whether that’s a geo-targeted SMS message about a sale or event close-by them; or using programmatic advertising and social media to connect with fans of a track & field moments after Usain Bolt has crossed the finish line.

Mobile technology has meant that online is now mass communication in the Caribbean, enabling meaningful engagement between marketers and connect: virtually and physically! In the same country, Jamaica, mentioned above, half of mobile users have a smartphone and use data, meaning that their behaviour has shifted the economy. We as shoppers regularly consult our little screen when we’re in the shopping aisle to search for best price; maybe message a friend; or tweet followers for guidance.

The implications are massive. In the US footfall in retail stores has fallen yet remarkably sales there have risen. Why? Smarter customers have searched before and during their store visit to ensure they have A. found what they need and B. have met with compelling information and promotions at micro-moments.

Top tips from Google:

  1. 24/7: know that each moment has the potential to impress or lose a customer.
  2. Be there: anticipate micro-moments and ensure your business is present.
  3. Be useful: provide relevant content and experiences to customers via appropriate platforms.
  4. Be quick: mobile users are on the go. Their attention span is short and they buy fast. Slow is no.
  5. Connect the dots: ensure that your business and marketing offers a seamless experience to customers across platforms. Failing means a broken sales funnel.

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Ross Sheil

I work for kids, especially the one who calls me daddy.