Android baby-daddy announces Essential modular smartphone

Jason Yeaman
Mobile⌘Tech News
Published in
3 min readMay 30, 2017

Modularity, magnetics and mobile technology.

Splash in a little 360 and we might have the boiler plate for the best Android smart phone around.

Photo of essential smartphone

Not much impresses me these days, and I will admit I am easily impressed. Magnets, smartphones and 360 Photography are my weakness. For these reasons, I must report on the latest technology from Android baby-daddy: Andy Rubin.

A photo of Andy Rubin in ancircle

Andy Rubin

In case you didn’t know, Rubin…not Google, is responsible for the birth of Android. Android was acquired by Google in 2005, and its creator, Andy Rubin, was temporarily placed in charge of the project as it was further developed and refined by Google. Rubin was eventually replaced, as he stepped aside for Sundar Pichai, current CEO of the Goog, by Larry Page…former CEO of the Goog.

Rubin is the founder and CEO of a new start-up, taking responsibility for the hardware and the software, (so-to-speak…as he did create Android proper), and the creation of, “Essential”, the modular Android smart phone that incorporates magnetics, modularity and mobile technology.


We aren’t going to get into specifications of the handset itself…because the spec-sheet is a lie when it comes to Android powered hardware. Hopefully, Essential will break that trend. But I must admit…the edge-to-edge display is absolutely gorgeous. Hopefully, it looks like it does in real life as depicted on the Essential website.

An essential phone with a magnetic snapon

Magnetic 360

Here comes the magic: The handset has magnetic modularity. A 360 camera that can be added to the handset and used on the fly, and then easily removed.

I often ponder why Rubin got canned from the Android project. I like to think that he got tired of watching Google turn Android into a pocket-billboard for Ugg boots and Sharies Berries.

Who knows.

But if you are on the fence for your next smart phone, and you like 360 Photography, you might want to check out the Essential:

Originally published at



Jason Yeaman
Mobile⌘Tech News

I cover topics in the mobile space: trends, strategy, business, legislation, philosophy and culture of Mobile technology.