My website doesn’t crash but why do my apps crash so much?

Satyajit Malugu
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2015

Though on the surface looks like a naive question but it nevertheless a valid one

A key distinction to make Apps are not Websites. Native apps are more akin to desktop applications, rather than websites. Websites have reasonable isolation and protection from other websites and system because of browsers like Chrome, Safari, IE. The distiction between an OS and a browser though dwindling, it is still stark. Was your outlook taking a lot of time to load, becomes unrealiable with usage and sometimes crashes? Apps operate in a similar world with even less priveleges and less horse power.

Some key differences

  1. Parent system: Browsers are not operating systems. In fact desktop browser is another OS app in which your site works. Browsers provide some unformity for websites.
  2. Expectations: HIstorically people are more used to bad websites and hence still have a high tolerance for error prone websites. On getting an error 8 out of 10 browsers users will refresh the page but less than 2 will reopen the app
  3. App store reviews: Websites do not have app stores reviews. These reviews are permanent and they will affect your app for its life. But past bad experiences on web can be forgotten easily and new users might not even notice them
  4. Deployment time: Even if there is a sloppy code push, you can do damage control in less than a day but its not that fast in iOS app stores.
  5. Not a walled garden: There are quite a few additional external variables that app have to tackle. Network variance, device matrix and system level interruptions.

