News for mobile testers from WWDC 2015

Satyajit Malugu
Published in
1 min readJun 9, 2015

Well the biggest thing for me as a tester is that they are thinking about testing and starting to add some features that are taken for granted on any other platform. iOS platform is notorious for automation and testing — a simple act of installing a pre-release app on a device can take about 15 mins and a lot of janky setup. But now things are changing!

  1. Plug and play your apps on device, this may seem trivial but currently it is not easy(to say the least) to get unreleased apps running on your phones.
  2. Code coverage for both Obj-C and Swift
  3. In built crash reporting workflow — I can’t wait to get rid of crashlytics
  4. Unit testing seems better with @testable
  5. UI testing — it looked decent in the demos and has built in screenshots!
  6. Finally open sourcing swift will enable some good innovation on testing tools

We will have to see how this all plays out but at least I am glad they are thinkingabout testing.

