Power of shower

Satyajit Malugu
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2015

Everybody likes a good nice warm shower whether it is a morning routine or an evening wind down process or even a mid day refresher. Whether it is a hot tub, a leisure bath or a shower, its power was manifested even from ancient times — Archimedes came running naked through the streets shouting Eureka

What is its lure, why is shower so powerful?

Its the ultimate me time, there are no distractions whether it be electronics like phone, tv or people like spouse or kids. Shower even dulls down the external noises and gives almost an isolation chamber.

Also most of your actions in the shower are automatic which frees up our brains to do creative work. It is a time to reflect and a time to plan.

Focus needs time restrictions, it is easy to have focus if we know prior when we are going to relax. WIth shower we all have some implicit time bounds.

What can we do to replicate the affects of a shower in other situations, eg: at your workplace. Coding is shower is not a good idea because typing with water drizzling is hard

  1. Place time bounds on focus — use a technique like Pomodoro you direct your focus.
  2. Remove electronic distractions — Put phones in do not disturb mode, use blockers to shut off Facebook/other distracting sites, quit outlook and other notifications
  3. Remove social distractions — Ditch the open office — go to a solo conference room or wear huge ass headphones (with or without music). Schedule focus time on your calendar.
  4. Do only one thing at a time — don’t try to multitask or be extra productive. Do the most important thing and do it right to the best of your abilities.

