Learn React by building a To-Do App — React Functionalities Explained

Anjali Sharma
mobile-web.dev 📱
7 min readApr 27, 2020


If you are one of those people who are intimidated by the buzz around React but find it difficult to get started, then this article is for you.

By the end of this article, you would have created a simple To-Do React Application by understanding the concepts of React and the functionalities that made it so popular.

Screenshot of the Application you’re going to build(the top 2 items will be checked soon!)

First things first, let’s get started!

What is React?

React is an open-sourced Javascript library for building user interfaces developed and maintained by Facebook developers.

Why is React so popular?

React has introduced some amazing features that made it universally accepted. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Modularity and reusability: React apps can be built independently in modules and the same code can be reused for further development enhancing the ease and object-oriented design.
  • Virtual DOM: Virtual DOM (Document Object Model) is the key feature that contains a memory reconciliation algorithm that helps React to create a representation of a…



Anjali Sharma
mobile-web.dev 📱

Advocating possibilities @lawofpossibility.com | Product Manager | Published Author: The Side Hustle Revolution🚀