11 conferences at MWC 2017 you can’t afford to miss

Billy Mobile
Mobile World Congress 2017 by Billy Mobile
4 min readJan 30, 2017

With such a vast programme of conferences at this year’s MWC, it can be hard to read through the extensive programme and find out which ones are right for you. Don’t worry, we’re here to stop that feeling of regret and missed opportunities when you return home. Read below to find a list of the top 11 conferences that anyone operating within the mobile advertising sector can’t afford to miss.

1. Mobile Operator Digital Transformation

Mon 27th Feb


Hall 4, Auditorium 4

John Jackson addresses the key twin challenges mobile operators face: slowing growth and ongoing disruption of core services by new internet players. Learn the key steps to undertake digital transformation to benefit from these opportunities.

2. Global Innovations in Media & Content: Publishing and Delivery

Mon 27th Feb


Expert speakers from a range of companies come together to discuss how they are revolutionising the publication and delivery of content globally. In a time where media businesses are forced to innovate their approach in delivering content or risk irrelevancy, this discussion is of high relevance.

3. Building Positive Engagements with the Connected Consumer

Mon 27th Feb


Hall 4, Auditorium 3

Connected consumers face an increasingly crowded world. To maintain relevance and profitability, operators need to identify impactful moments to interact with their customers. Find out why operators need to step outside the box of traditional ways of thinking and reimagine their brand to achieve this.

4. The Future of Messaging: Engagement, eCommerce and Bots

Tue 28th Feb


Hall 4, Auditorium 2

With messaging apps surpassing social media apps in users, they are poised to become the new foundation for building platforms and ecosystems. Whilst consumers have adopted this new platform, most companies are lagging behind, yet to take the step to messaging and conversational commerce.

5. Optimising for Exceptional Video Experiences

Tue 28th Feb


Hall 4, Auditorium 4

The forecasted huge growth of mobile data traffic in 2017 is set to be driven mainly be video. Content delivery at the network edge, the latest techniques in optimisation and compression and technologies like UHD and LTE broadcast are key to delivering unparalleled video experiences. A key discussion in order to take advantage of so many high-profile events such as the 2018 football world cup approaching.

6. Consumer Data: Privacy and Opportunity

Tue 28 Feb


Hall 4, Auditorium 3

The value of personal data is increasing however alongside this, comes the increase of the ethical issue regarding problems of transparency. However, in this respect operators currently have an opportunity to act as the consumer’s champion, enhancing relationships and increasing service value. Find out what is being done at the leading edge of this critical field.

7. Keynote 7: The Content Gold Rush

Tue 28th Feb


Hall 4, Auditorium 4

Leading experts from around the world come together to discuss their content strategies and the role of devices as the primary, delivery, consumption, production and engagement channel for consumers. An issue of utmost importance in a period of disruption and acquisition in Content.

8. The Power of Personalisation

Wed 1st March


Hall 4, Auditorium 4

Personalisation is key to preventing losing customers forever. Currently, there is a huge opportunity to develop highly personalised and seamless video experiences, allowing a meaningful connection with a consumer. This session is set to showcase some of the most innovative personalised experience, covering how the industry can use new content delivery methods to enable the best viewing experience.

9. Acquire, Aggregate, Partner? Creating value for Telcos in Content

Wed 1st March


Hall 4, Auditorium 4

It’s a fact that content represents huge potential growth for operators. Find out how repositioning from a connectivity provider to a content provider is worth the commitment in time and investment.

10. Consumer advertising and the MNO

Thurs 02 Mar


Operators are sitting on a wealth of under-leveraged consumer data. It’s estimated that if operators upsell offers based on real-time customer context, they can increase global data revenues by $47 billion. Find out how other industries are doing this and how, with the right commitment and investment, operators can make the most of the advertising opportunity.

11. Social Engineering: Hacking the User

Thurs 02 Mar


Hall 4, Auditorium 3

Many people would say it not the internet or nascent IoT that aren’t secure, its the networks that aren’t secure enough. Find out what operators can do to encourage safer types of behaviour for their customers. A session not to be missed featuring hackers and heroes, demonstrations and case studies.



Billy Mobile
Mobile World Congress 2017 by Billy Mobile

Billy is the leading 100% mobile affiliate platform, providing advertisers with high quality customers and helping publishers monetise their assets.