10 Benefits of Mobile App Conferences and Events

Lucky Yadav
Published in
5 min readMay 29, 2020

Enterprise-wide mobile applications for multi-events are becoming central to productive corporate event preparation, execution, and effectiveness. Unlike paper-based systems, a mobile event app will offer a secure, versatile, and personalized portal that cannot compete with the traditional web-based event handouts and programs.

Advantages of Attending Top Mobile App Conferences

Mobile applications are becoming more popular as mobile technology tends to become more prevalent. The leading event teams are also trying to capitalize on the possibilities a mobile event app can bring, and with event managers hunting constantly for ways to boost return on investment, more and more companies are turning to mobile for future.

So tighten your seat belts — here are the top ten reasons why mobile event apps are key components of any event:


Many business insiders are of the view that event applications are nowadays becoming a must. Nearly half of event managers are now using an app at their events on a daily basis, and growth is rising at 30 percent + per annum. Yet event applications aren’t a single-size-fits-all. Every one of your activities is special as is the organizing team for your case.

To determine which type of event marketing app is best for you, let’s first look at why most event planners are currently using an event app or are planning to use it. It all comes down to satisfying the attendee.

1. Insightful

An app to an event will help organizers gain sponsorship quickly. They offer a prime forum for advertisers to highlight their goods or services to the participants. Typically this is made possible through the individual supporter websites, polling, and surveys or promotional deals that are delivered mostly by push alerts.

Image Source: https://mobile-event-app.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/produkt-suite.png

2. Customize policies

We should all understand that keeping track of all the meetings occurring in an event isn’t easy. Such applications help people develop their own agendas by integrating the meetings they choose to join into their own personal schedules. This saves them money and increases their productivity dramatically during events.

3. Exploring

Surveys are important to organizers looking to revolutionize their strategies for event planning. Event apps allow you to ask the participants questions in real-time, making it a cost-effective, precise way to collect data before and after events.

The survey feature on the apps also allows you to assess satisfaction and commitments given to the user during and after the events. Then, you will use the results to build tactics to boost your market and increasing your customer base.

4. Increased ROI

The applications help you assure the value of selling your goods or services. Understand that the attendees are the clients, and those who agree to register or not to register for an event will be identical to those who agree in the ads of other goods and generally consider purchasing them.

The best way to stay ahead of the curve is to provide your customers with value because there will always be other events from your competitors that your customers might be tempted to attend.

5. Networking

A mobile app, once downloaded, helps attendees to use digital networking and social media resources to create connections and connect with each other before, after, and after the gathering. As users expand their personal connections, they will use the app to become a tool to stay connected all the time. Enterprise mobile apps provide users with specific access to key lists of customers, partners, and employees based on the key personnel attending the event, generating leads, and meeting the right people has never been easier.

6. Emerging

Rather than creating a new app from scratch for each case, a single branded business app will act as a base for all activities in the organization. Enterprise applications that offer useful, meaningful, and entertaining knowledge based on previous event participation and creating excitement for upcoming events should stay on an attendee’s Smartphone, being a trustworthy customer and company partner and communications platform.

7. Inspiring

A branded Smartphone device enables networking and content exchange throughout the year and expands the lifetime of the company, improving customer engagement, and increasing corporate partnerships and their most valuable investments. The one app that is left on the handsets of your clients drives interaction beyond just one case.

8. Feedback

When used properly, surveys help ensure that the event is a success by helping you to gage preferences and appreciate the response of the participants during the event. In-app comment polls allow attendees to share their views quickly and offer input on presentations in their own time.

Image Source:(https://www.cvent.com/sites/default/files/styles/browser/public/image/2020-02/6.-Event-app-metrics.jpg?itok=n5c0JKn-)

9. Exploring

Over the last decade, the demographics of meeting and exhibition attendees have changed considerably. New people are joining the workplace and technology has been incorporated effortlessly into our daily lives. An event planner’s goal used to be as simple as getting the largest number of participants (sometimes irrespective of their fit to the content or brand of the events). Around the same time, there was only one overall marketing tactic used to attract attention.

10. Opportunities

Note that the attendees are customers, and the method of choosing whether or not to register for your event is basically the same as choosing some other product that they may consider purchasing. There will also be those on the market to compete, and the only way to differentiate the case from all rivals is to have the largest amount of value for their investment in financial and energy.


An app can become an important part of the relationship between an event promoter and his/her attendance base. Creating an app that fits with the attendee base’s needs and preferences can enhance the user experience before, after, and after the case.

One not to be overlooked is the chance to have a dialogue with an audience outside the event’s very short time span. It offers an incentive for organizations to create buzz, lets attendees prepare their event experience, and provides the ability to upsell or promote repeat ticket purchases.



Lucky Yadav

A content writer dedicated to the technology field. Besides being one, he shares his experience with others sincerely and loves to be constructive.