Bajayanti Samal
Published in
5 min readSep 3, 2020

If you are looking to enter the business world, then developing a mobile app would be one of your top priorities. And to stand out from the competition, you should deliver a product that will get you the attention of your target clients.

Healthy mobile applications can also help to increase brand awareness and exposure. This is one of the easiest ways to communicate with clients. Thus, a mobile app is being developed, which is effective and doesn’t take much time.

What is the MVP Mobile App Development?

When you choose to create an app, you have two options on how to develop the mobile app. First, the conventional approach, and the second is the MVP. But MVP is a better approach than traditional.

The MVP version is a tool for measuring the product’s worth or potential. To conduct this initial testing, the product needs only the most convenient feature, including mobile apps and websites. It won’t have much beyond the main features.

In this article, we’ll look at the methods we’re taking to reduce the time it takes to develop a mobile app.

1. Plan before you Execute

Plan an app’s blueprint. With a set mind and customer approaches you, you need to develop an app that will guide him to what he needs. If he doesn’t get what’s needed, then he’ll drop the app. So get the blueprint/concept completed according to the users’ mentality for a robust app. The method should involve a daily feedback loop, checking the user interface, etc. for a better outcome.

By planning the growth strategy of the app, you won’t adhere to the phase of creation. There’ll also be no misunderstanding among team members creating the mobile app. Thus it would be easier to launch faster.

2. Go with MVP

Go with MVP instead of installing a full-fledged package. Get MVP finished so you can build your market presence. Takedown user reviews and makes appropriate adjustments. Use tools to work for the desired outcome, keep a user approval review, performance, expectations, and download rate. Stick to correct enhancement measures and release updates on time using agile techniques.

From Airbnb to MailChimp, before its actual implementation, every popular concept was well-tested by MVP (Minimum Viable Product). These entrepreneurs succeeded, as they did not compromise until focusing on recognizing the reactions of the customers.

3. Believe in Hybrid App Development

Android VS iOS — isn’t that the most significant problem that you face?

If you’re thinking of targeting all types of smartphone owners, then it means you’ll need to introduce the software for all. As you already know, separate implementation would increase the delays. Why not go instead for the Hybrid applications?

Solutions like Xamarin and Phone Gap can solve the dilemma. With the native code, you can launch your iOS and Android application together at the same time.

4. Outsource the Tasks which you are not proficient at!

You choose in-house production to outsource, but it’s a reality that your team isn’t competent in every technology. Not only your team, but no single person or team can master all technologies. If some such job occurs during the process of creation, it is best to outsource it to someone who is a specialist.

5. Assign Side-tasks to Less Experienced/ Outside Teams

Manage the critical things as the consumer has an interest in that. Outsource the lateral attraction and discuss the central context. This will save your time, get users engaged, and can use it. Add to your core product pre-made applets that do not need coding.

6. Use Off-the-Shelf Component

You don’t need to build every part of your mobile app from scratch, even if it’s a new concept that’s never implemented before. You can find market-ready solutions to various activities that are well-used, and can thus count on. Using them will speed up the production process, without sacrificing the quality of the product.

7. Testing & Automation!

The final phase of mobile app development is automated testing. App development firms have a range of activities to conduct. Thus they have advanced applications. But that’s how technology can save time. Otherwise, people used to do manual testing beforehand. But with the use of software and technology, mobile app developers are also improving mobile app security;

So don’t forget to follow these methodologies of software creation because they help you launch the software at the right time. So, if you’re a novice in the creation of mobile apps, then these approaches are a perfect match for your learning part. They’ll help you shot up the process of developing an app.

Worldwide mobile apps revenue

8. Use Wireframes To Design

It is necessary to get to know the information architecture of your application you wish to build. And designing wireframes is the best concept you can follow to speed up next year’s mobile app evolution.

When a consumer meets a developer of a mobile application, the first emphasis of developers on design then moves to the development of the app. Wireframing determines how the software progresses.

9. Delegate off-core activities

Offloading more activities such as boosting app engagement, measuring app analytics, and converting free subscribers into premium ones is always a wise choice. These activities consume a lot of time and are better off with pre-designed applets, available on platforms for mobile engagement. With a few lines of code, these applets can incorporate into your ready app. Applets enable activities such as sharing tools, notification offerings, new features, and feedback tools.

10. Create build variants

Loading your app with unnecessary setups can slow down the incremental builds of your app. Keep only those configurations required in the development and release versions of your application. Plus, in compiling more resources that hold little value, don’t waste time and effort. Such resources include resources for screen density and more localization of languages.



Plan the software development time in getting ahead of the competition and meeting the tight deadlines. A minute lost in production will result in massive cash losses. Efficient mobile app development firms will manage project activities in such a way that the product enters the markets at top speed!



Bajayanti Samal

PR Strategist | Brand Building | Outreach Blogging | Marketing Communication | Blogger | Content Marketer | Media Student,Follow for most interesting apps news!