5 Tips To Use Product-Market Fit To Develop A Fail-Proof App

Shubham Mishra
Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2020

When you plan to develop an application for the business, you need to follow a complete strategy to make it a successful one. The app development is not a low-budget affair, and it is an investment that costs much money and effort. Thus, when starting your app development trip, try to make every money count. Development of an app is a time taking procedure to try to make it a big one.

Due to all these reasons, the first and foremost thing that you can do before researching your new application is to find product-market fit. Here in this, we are going to deep dive into five tips that help you determine the product-market fit for your business app.

What is Product-Market Fit for a mobile application?

When your distribution channels, value proposition, and customers align together, it is called product-market fit. The perfect alignment of all three factors makes any business application a successful one. PMF is quite easy to understand the term as it merely means that you need to create a product or service for a Pre-existing marketplace so that you don’t have to find a new audience for your product.

To make things less complicated, start-ups should pay attention to PMF above all other marketing goals. It is the best way to increase the probability of success of your business. On the contrary, many start-ups do not succeed because they spend on products that have no market.

To make your app successful, make sure you understand the importance of this strategy and follow a complete process to know about the products or services your customers are looking for to solve their issues.

Source: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmiro.medium.com%2Fmax%2F2912%2F0*yOlt_mSGZblH5nJJ.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fproductcoalition.com%2Fhow-to-find-product-market-fit-a-practical-guide-290c40deed52&tbnid=7waoQFam7C78zM&vet=12ahUKEwif0rLe4bjqAhVoErcAHQ3iAC4QMygFegUIARCuAQ..i&docid=sGOMcGKPDn5R4M&w=1456&h=865&q=%20Product-Market%20Fit%20To%20Develop%20A%20Fail-Proof%20App&safe=strict&ved=2ahUKEwif0rLe4bjqAhVoErcAHQ3iAC4QMygFegUIARCuAQ

Know about your future customer

It is good to identify your product’s target audience, who becomes your potential buyers for your product. But it is essential to find the challenges your customers are facing that help you understand the market segments. You can also connect with customers to know their expectations from your product. Online surveys help you gather much data to create “archetypes” that assist your development team clearly understand the type of product you want to create for your ideal audience.

Pay attention to one problem at onetime

If you are planning to start a business, then you need to start it with less investment. The Small budget plan helps you to offer services at cost-effective rates.

Additionally, you need to pay attention to one problem at one time to make the plan successful. Focusing on one problem helps you to deep dive into the issue and creates solutions that make you establish a name in your industry.

Evaluate your product-market fit

If you don’t want to make your app fails then, measure your product-market fit performance to manage your accomplishment. Various vital indicators help you determine your performance. You can evaluate your growth by checking your sales reports and annual revenues.

Most of the companies are busy in their businesses and thus not pay attention to these points that help them in improvement. The growth rate of a company will automatically expand if they follow a PMF model. It accelerates growth and improves ROI and sales process with time.

Testing of Product-market fit

It is one of the vital steps to develop a fail-proof app. Testing helps you check your final product and know what you can improve before launching it in the marketplace. The trial of the application is a crucial point of your use.

In case you avoid this step, then your audience won’t find your app perfect. It is essential to check your app from time to time for bugs and user experience. You can also give free access to anyone and get genuine feedback from the person. This way, you can add improvements to your app before the launch time.

RE- evaluate the market needs

After the successful adoption of your app in the marketplace, don’t think it is constant. To stay in this stiff competition, you need to update your app and change its features with time to meet the user needs. Re-evaluating market situations is crucial to know the changing demands of the users and update your product according to their needs.


Overall, following the above product-market fit steps should be taken as a process to develop a mobile application. Most start-ups not pay attention to PMF and ultimately can’t afford failure. To avoid such a situation, you need to do your homework before creating a product.

Identifying the product-market fit and its components keep the brand value intact. It is a challenge to find out what product you are going to develop and its target audience. Along with this, know your competitors and their products to avoid the last-minute errors before launching.



Shubham Mishra
Writer for

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