A Complete Guide to Augmented Reality and its Future Trends

Anita Gigoo
Published in
6 min readMay 25, 2020

Currently we all are seeing huge advancements in technologies and by incorporating these latest technologies; every sector is enhancing its growth as well as user-experience. No doubt, most of you are well aware of Augmented Reality and most probably you also used it.

Guide to Augmented Reality and its Future Trends

From the last couple of years, Augmented Reality is seeing huge growth and it is incorporated by some of the tech giants like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Facebook. In 2019, the user base of AR devices reached 1.5 billion and in the coming years, we expect more from this advanced technology.

So here in this blog, we are going to know in detail about Augmented Reality and also discuss its future trends that will make a huge impact on various industries.

Augmented Reality

It is the advanced technology that allows interactive experience with real-world objects. It enhances the experience of a real-world environment through computerized perceptual information. You all are familiar with the gaming sensation, Pokémon Go as it is one of the examples of Augmented Reality.

It enhances most of the sectors and totally changes the way they make decisions. It is expected that together with VR, AR will have more than $85 billion of the market till 2025.

The major features of Augmented Reality technology are;

· Combination of virtual and real world

· Accurate recording of virtual and real objects

· Real-time interaction

AR Technology Adoption

Image Source: https://financesonline.com/augmented-reality-statistics/

How AR Works

The AR process begins with computer knowledge of what is happening in the user environment. The contents of the camera feed are used for this. AR then adds real-world digital details. Simply put, this platform adds information layers on real-world objects by projecting graphics.

AR overlays a simulated image or object to set out the user’s real world view. On devices such as cell phones, glasses, monitors, hand-held devices and head-mounted monitor the AR-generated display can be seen. Future technologies will eventually hit a point where AR is used in the lens of touch or a virtual retinal monitor. It works in combination with other advanced technologies such as IoT.

Industries Getting Benefits from AR

The immense technical advances have already increased industry competition. Organizations are searching for new approaches and solutions to retain their clients and keep them involved. What answer could be better than AR? AR emerges as a revolutionary technology that offers the chances that other technologies are difficult to achieve. Some of the sectors realized its importance and now AR is being used to boost efficiency.

This graph shows the sectors which get major benefits from AR technology;

Benefits from AR technology

Image Source:https://financesonline.com/augmented-reality-statistics/

  • Healthcare

The healthcare sector gets huge benefits from Augmented Reality technology and now it becomes easy for doctors to treat patients more effectively. Imagine the first surgery by a beginner; Anxiety and fear may at that moment be the prominent sensations.

The AR apps are now the helping hands for the immature surgeons. The surgical AR applications deliver a visual screen that can be projected onto patients with virtual hands. Experienced surgeons direct the new one regardless of its location through augmented hands.

  • Education

Not all students are book worms; there are many who would like to study but may not find it interesting. AR is a groundbreaking enhanced reality of education that allows people and students to know and understand their world in an interesting manner.

Advanced training and research programs offered by AR have been highly recognized by researchers in the educational field. The coexistence between simulated objects and real worlds allows learners to imagine dynamic spatial connections and abstract concepts.

  • Manufacturing

The use of AR technology in the manufacturing field is the fastest-growing area. The manufacturing problem is the design and deployment of distributed AR manufacturers that could enhance production methods and the growth of products and processes. Reduced costs and increased efficiency over reduced lead time. The ultimate goal is to create a program as good if not better and more effective than the real world.

  • Entertainment and Games

The biggest impact of the AR technology is towards the gaming and entertainment industry and the Pokémon Go is the biggest example of this. No doubt, AR also affects various other sectors, but again when you do research or see stats than you find that AR comes as a boom for the gaming and entertainment industry.

Now through this technology, people experience the real world through virtual objects and that’s why some of the biggest entertainment production houses incorporated it to enhance the experience of users.

Top Augmented Reality Trends to Watch

Let’s discuss some of the top trends in Augmented Reality technology that enhances the experience of users as well as various industries.

1. AR for Shopping

Gartner’s study has revealed that at least 100 million consumers will use AR-enabled shopping apps by the year 2021, which is one of this year’s top retail trends. The boom in mobile AR devices means that robust and mature technologies are now used in the industry. Developers, distributors, and consumers now use them easily for their everyday life.

2. AR for Navigation

Indoor navigation is one of the most apparent applications of AR technology, and 2020 is the year in which the average user gets the first true understanding of their capacity. People already lean heavily on Google and Apple map services to get around, but indoor navigation is the case to get away from the public.

3. WebAR

In the cloud, Chrome AR is a much-awaited feature. Users will easily connect to AR websites to reach the same level of features instead of having to use customized software. To promote approval, developers are also made available on GitHub an unauthorized and incomplete version of the WebAR code.

4. Remote Assistance

Conference calls, for example, are frequently compromised by a lack of direct personal participation. Nevertheless, AR will create mixed-reality worlds where anyone can experience each other in a socially more desirable atmosphere during a conference call. Microsoft is going forward with a beta of a video calling program that uses increased realism to build participants’ holography. Cisco Systems is also working on a Musion project which brings its networking products together with AR technologies.

The below graph shows the expected revenue by industry by 2025 through AR

Future of Augmented Reality 2025

Image Source: https://mobidev.biz/blog/augmented-reality-future-trends-2018-2020


The AR technology is quickly growing technology among different industries and experts predict that by 2025, it will reach by more than $25billion. This shows that there is a lot to invest in this technology and the result will be great. No doubt, the gaming sector remains at the top in terms of revenue, but other sectors like education, healthcare, etc. will also grab huge from this ground-breaking technology.



Anita Gigoo

Anita Gigoo is a Senior Content Writer at Mobileappdiary. Being an expert she loves to explore new ideas related to mobile technology.