Lucky Yadav
Published in
4 min readJun 24, 2020

The world in terms of technology is transforming at a faster pace. Mobile technology is seeing a major breakthrough and it is mainly because of its increasing user base. But, have you given a thought of why mobile technology and its userbase is experiencing a great change?

Well, let me tell you the main reason for it. Mobile apps are the main reason which makes this mobile technology acceptable to a higher degree of extent. Mobile apps enhance the capacity and capabilities of smartphones. What if they weren’t there? I could not imagine my handheld device without apps. The smartphone just turns into a box with only one functionality left that is phone calls.

Mobile app development companies are working effortlessly to deliver apps that suit the needs of the users. There are over 2 million apps on the Apple App Store and 2.6 million apps published on Google Playstore.

The mobile apps available on the app store covers various categories likewise communication, entertainment, gaming, finance, shopping, and much more.

The post will enlighten you about the 10 best apps to improve smartphone performance.

Social media apps:

· WhatsApp

A fast, simple, secure message and free audio and video calling app that you’ll find in 90% of the smartphones. It gives end to end encryption between the users.

· Facebook

The social media platform that has the world’s largest userbase. It is a social networking service and website that allows users to know about other people.

· Instagram

A photo-sharing app that has now become the hub of influencer marketing. The app is used by all sorts of ages from the ’90s to the millennials.

· Snapchat

Snapchat takes the image sharing platform to another level. A snap sent to the user gets automatically deleted once the user sees it. Maintaining the streak is one of the trends snappers follow.

· Twitter

A feed posting platform that is loved by everyone. Tweeting is the right term used for a post. The post can be retweeted increasing the visibility and reach of the audience.

Food delivery apps:

· Zomato

An Indian restaurant aggregator and food delivery app that is known for its food delivery services across the world.

· Swiggy

An India food delivery app based out of Bangalore, India who are delivering food at the doorstep from your favorite restaurant at a tap.


· Flipkart

An Indian e-commerce company that delivers expert services and deals in all kinds of products from technology to clothing.

· Myntra

A retail clothing online delivery app that deals in products of lifestyle and accessories. There delivering services have no match across the nation.

Cab- hailing apps:

· Ola

An Indian ride-sharing company that is offering various services. The services include peer to peer ridesharing, ride service hailing, taxi, and food services.

· Uber

An international brand that is offering its immense services that include peer-to-peer ridesharing. A transportation network company that is delivering services internationally.

On-demand apps:

· Urban-clap

An on-demand services app that is delivering services in all domains of the utility of personal grooming. The app is well-liked by the users.

Online streaming apps:

· Netflix

An American media-services provider and production company that has gained large traction in the last few years.

Gaming apps:


A game that has an immense user base and people of all over the globe are addicted to this FPS game. This game has an addiction and surviving in a room of 100 people isn’t easy.

Utility apps:

· Citymapper:

An app that is loved by urban travelers as it tells you the best information about a city. From trains, tubes, and buses to cycle hire and walking.

· Sleepcycle:

Set your smartphone’s default alarm to permanent snooze in favor of this app, it aims to dispel your morning blues. Track your sleep through sound and movement, it wakes you in your lightest sleep phase near to your alarm.

· Dark sky:

It delivers predictions that pinpoint where you’re standing. It offers short-term warnings about rain, the snow that helps you in facing the weather changes.

· Microsoft outlook

The revamped look of the ultimate business tool is critically hit. It is stylish that is a blend of email, calendar, and file management.


An app is known to enhance the capabilities of the smartphone. A user can download different apps to use the app in an efficient manner. Start installing the best of the apps and make the most use of your smartphone.



Lucky Yadav

A content writer dedicated to the technology field. Besides being one, he shares his experience with others sincerely and loves to be constructive.