How Tech Will Help To Support #BlackLiveMatter Protest As Well As Social Distancing?

Ittika Duggal
Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2020

It is a well-known fact that the COVID-19 pandemic situation has brought several new realities into light that we could not imagine a few months ago. At this time, many people are spending time with their families and are staying at home to maintain social distancing. Amidst this situation, when the entire world is continuously looking forward to coming out of this tough situation, a 46-year-old person died because of a White police officer. This changed the thoughts of the people, and even during this pandemic, many people are taking part in protests across the US and the globe.

Now let’s deep dive into the story to understand the actual matter behind Black Lives Matter protests:

According to reports, a 46-year-old person named George Floyd was suspected of using a fake $20 bill, died of asphyxiation (deficient supply of oxygen to the body) in Minneapolis, Minnesota on 25 May 2020. The 46-yeared, died because a white police officer hard-pressed Floyd knees onto the neck while he was already face down on the ground and in handcuffs. The white police officer pressed his knee for eight minutes while the other 2 police officers also helped him in this step further. All the things are recorded in the video which made the public angry, due to which they have signed various petitions against this situation and donated money to several civil rights organizations. In the current ongoing coronavirus pandemic situation, it is quite tough for people to leave their homes, hence people are using technology to help those in distress.

Here in this blog, we are going to learn some practical actions one can take to support the current Black Lives Matter movement and raise their voices against racism.

The main reason people are joining various protests is that a black man’s life was considered a value less than a $20 bill. It is not a mistake, but it is a war of ideologies imposed on black people in the US. This is the time to protest, protect the people, and come up with a law that treats everyone equally. The life of everyone is important irrespective of their color. The present situation is completely objectionable.

People are continuously amplifying the message on social media platforms that Black Lives Matter. In this situation, everyone should be doing whatever they can do to support the current protests.

The first step to support the Black Lives Matter movement is to contribute to the organizations that work in opposition to police violence and the systemic criminalization of black people communities. Here are some organizations which are continuously working to support Black Live matter movement include:

▪️ NAACP Legal Defense Fund

▪️ The Sentencing Project

▪️ Southern Poverty Law Center

▪️ Equal Justice Initiative

▪️ Families Against Mandatory Minimums

▪️ Protest with Care


Maintain social distancing

Keep in mind, coronavirus is a situation that spreads by close contact, so while protesting you are susceptible to chances of infection. It is important to maintain social distancing.

To maintain social distancing, you can use various Coronavirus detecting mobile apps like COVIDsafe for maintaining the distance in crowded places. This means you have to stay at least 1.5 meters apart from everybody else. If you are in New Zealand then you have to maintain a distance of 2 meters when standing in an open space.

Help the protesters by donating for the bail

No need to mention, the protestor gets arrested for several reasons whether for damaging the property or even for demonstrating peacefully. The National Bail Fund Network helps the people to come out of the jail with the help of the donor’s bail funds to help the community.

Provide food and support

Well, if you are nearby where protests are going, you can provide food and water to the protestors. You can create a shed outside your home and stock up some water, food, and basic first-aid things under that shed.

Provide home-made face masks

The pandemic is continuously increasing in various parts of the US. It is tough to maintain safe distances while in crowded places or protesting sites. In this situation, you can help the people by providing them with some hand-made face masks which are even now more vital than ever.

Tech Companies owners

Presently, remote work is something that is adopted by all tech companies across the world. Now, it is time to support the racial crises, the tech company managers must offer flexible work hours and connect with their team members, but particularly those who are facing a tough time. Support them and treat them with empathy.

Say no to fake news

Make the best use of your social media accounts and report fake news and threats of brutality on Twitter and other platforms with trending hashtags. You can start your first post with #AllLivesMatter that helps in finding the racist people.


With all this, we are ending this post with a note that there are so many things that you can do to support the cause at your homes, communities, companies, countries, and through the internet. Other than these points, several other great ideas can help people victims of inequitable criminalization, police brutality, and universal racism. For now, we can say that we should keep looking for innovative ways to support the current All Lives Matter movement.

