Top Benefits of developing Newspaper Mobile App

Anita Gigoo
Published in
4 min readAug 21, 2020

The newspaper apps are increasingly gaining prominence amongst innovative publishers going in for news apps rather than mobile websites or social media networks.


The case for developing a newspaper app is much more durable in the present scenario. The idea of developing a business on social media networks is a risky proposition today, owing to the increasing costs and uncertainties of traffic availability.

The concept of owning a mobile app, especially the e-newspaper, is beneficial compared to rented online space bookings. The ownership of the channel is cost-effective and a reliable source to generate business online, the app store listing is controlled, and there is direct connectivity with the end-users.

This direct connectivity with the audience is beneficial for traffic enhancement and revenue generation. It is quite similar to the website.

Improved User Experience

A native mobile app’s benefits, such as a newspaper app, are fast loading of articles, offline access, navigational ease, and absence of popups.

The native mobile app enhances the user experience to a more significant extent by providing faster loading and push-notifications, etc.

Engagement Capability

The connectivity potential of a mobile app with its loyal readers is very high. The traffic and engagement growth can is sufficient through push notifications and user’s home screen presence. A native application ensures a dedicated space. As mentioned earlier, mobile apps are generally faster than mobile websites.

A native news app is suitable for engagement, loyalty, and retention and a relationship with its users. The time spent by users on native news apps is way higher than on mobile websites.

Push Notifications

Mobile websites do not offer push notifications as mobile apps do. The reliance on social media from user connectivity is more through mobile news app, which provides personalized push notifications. Mobile apps are much more effective in communicating with readers. The frequency of clicking on smartphone news feed is very high amongst Smartphone users, especially in developed countries. The trend is catching up with other countries as well, particularly in the present context.

The iOS has recently introduced the provision of silent push notifications, which was already in use in Android systems. The push notifications ensure long-term loyalty with the users through meaningful engagement.


The newspaper app provides revenue generation opportunities as it displays banner ads throughout the app, as there are no ad blockers. The mobile-specific and app-only ad formats show for relevant offer promotions. The loyal readers desirous of accessing premium content or who would like to pay to remove the ads from the app can sell in-app subscriptions. You can sell the sponsorships for the app without creating hindrance to the user. One can easily use a paywall to attract signups from users to buy articles. It is easier for the user to undertake in-app purchase to access content in a mobile app.

App Store Visibility

It is a well-known fact that users would search for those brand names they already know, including the brand name.

A basic App Store Optimization strategy is enough to be found with the brand name and related keywords of an organization.

For example, search auto-suggest on iOS platform searches come at the top, followed by several lesser-known keyword searches. But, if the publishers are willing to invest in app install ads, for both Google and Apple, the promotion of the app within their stores is more straightforward.


The native news apps are cost-effective compared to the hiring process of app developers adopted by big players. For a small start-up or small publishers, the native mobile app developers build through customization. The app has its native design, separate from your site design, but it’s fully customizable and entirely branded with the brand name, logo, colors, etc.

Success Factors

The things that count in an app to be successful are the brand name, the treasure of the existing audience, and true-value content. The app needs to be given wide publicity through promotion on the company’s website, through the newsletter, use of smart app banners, and development on stores, to be able to succeed. For an app to be successful, it must be user-friendly, fully native, built-in Objective C, Swift, and Java and must run and load superfast. The content must update automatically upon new postings on the site. The updates to the app’s configuration must be enabled remotely, and there must not be a need to issue a new version to the stores.

The success factor also depends on the offers provided to the readers who find an app on the web in mobile search or get to know through link sharing on social media. So, there is a constant need to provide incentivized offers to frequent readers and visitors.

Big Players

The big day dominant players have already dominated the mobile news app are alien the publishing sector, which includes prominent print media names. The majority of the readers are downloading those apps. But, this must not deter the small business not to venture into this beneficial proposition.



Anita Gigoo

Anita Gigoo is a Senior Content Writer at Mobileappdiary. Being an expert she loves to explore new ideas related to mobile technology.