Why business CEO’s are losing confidence in the pandemic crisis?

Anita Gigoo
Published in
5 min readJun 2, 2020

As we all know that we all on the verge of a global outbreak pandemic situation. No one can deny the fact that COVID-19 is a virus that cannot be ignored by anyone. This outbreak has drastically affected society and business. The impacts of Covid-19 are visible in diverse areas of life: whether it is the day to day life schedule or financial impact. With the extent of the worldwide lockdown period, the consequences for businesses are also expanding. The global events are being delayed; the online delivery stores are going out of stock. This pandemic situation has completely changed our lives.

According to the latest survey conducted by YPO last week, about 3,500 CEOs around the world show a marked recession in the business confidence of corporate leaders. The restaurant and tourism sector has undergone the most terrible period, with over 40 percent of CEOs saying their businesses will not survive the coronavirus pandemic crisis.

CEO’s Survey during COVID-19 Crisis

Even after the lockdown period, the CEOs believe that the economy will get worse. The CEOs expect reduced revenues and are cutting the costs spending in the year ahead.

More than 41 percent of CEOs expect the economy to worsen rather than improve in the year ahead. On the other hand, 62 percent of CEOs expect greater than before revenues in the upcoming 12 months. The CEO’s are planning to reduce the workforce and investments.

Employment affected worldwide due to Coronavirus

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Without any doubt, COVID-19 is the new factor that is driving these fresh declines, generating some level of anxiety among all types of business leaders. The coronavirus outbreak has internationally interrupted the business cycle in a major manner. While safety concerns around the Covid-19 virus are necessary for the workplace and precautions are deemed necessary.

Among all the businesses, the hospitality, tourism, and restaurant business sector have majorly faced the issues. More than 41% of CEOs in these two industries say that their business might not survive these critical conditions. The past few months have been very terrible for all the people across the globe. Now, after a long lockdown period, the governments in Europe and other countries declare plans to end the lockdown period. Now the new unlock period is a new phase in the COVID-19 pandemic that depends on us. The opening period will take diverse shapes and will be executed in different ways in different countries and regions.

Coronavirus: Four out of five people’s jobs hit by pandemic

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The Business closures in the middle of the pandemic situation have sent joblessness claims towering to big numbers. According to reports, the present pandemic situation has wiped out more than 22 million jobs.

Confidence in pandemic crisis

The confidence is something that we have seen getting shattered just like a public health policy that ultimately failed to pull back the COVID-19 virus. When it comes to, the confidence it is simply broken and its repair needs a lot of time and patience. In this tough situation, it is important to have faith in ourselves and try our level best to recover from this situation. But the terror of such a severe pandemic coming back to life will is likely to exert a downward force on price and demand of the business for decades to come.

Coronavirus: A visual guide to the economic impact

Image Source: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fichef.bbci.co.uk%2Fnews%2F410%2Fcpsprodpb%2F718B%2Fproduction%2F_111976092_optimised-1-stockimpact_24042020-nc.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fnews%2Fbusiness-51706225&tbnid=4Qlm3sA3N51xfM&vet=12ahUKEwjn8rGy6-DpAhVSSysKHVtXD28QMygAegUIARDMAQ..i&docid=ucx75-_eHJowbM&w=2666&h=2166&q=business%20%20in%20pandemic%20crisis%20graph&safe=strict&ved=2ahUKEwjn8rGy6-DpAhVSSysKHVtXD28QMygAegUIARDMAQ

Consecutively to perk up the business environment situation in the country, the government will surely take some major steps to provide a financial package that will help businesses in a great manner. The support can be in any form for the entire industry like, in the form of policy support, subsidies, and the unique privilege of funds to maintain employment levels.

To uplift the situation of business the government is also planning to start a few big infrastructure projects to strengthen the employment situation in this recession period. While the existing COVID-19 pandemic has delivered an unexpected shock to a lot of businesses, it is at the same time teaching precious lessons to help you prepare for the upcoming distraction. The upcoming period will possibly bring various natural hazards and thus, the business needs to stay up to date to fight against such conditions. One thing is sure: to survive in the present competition you need to be the most flexible business you can be to survive all the tough situations.


Despite your level of concern and your business consequences, it’s important to safeguard your near ones, staff, and customers are safe, both physically and mentally. The concern is not only limited to the Coronavirus pandemic situation but the incident will prepare you for future events and help you survive in harsh conditions. So, it is good to allow your employee’s remote work and investing in technology that updates your business, and help your company to grow as usual. The current Covid-19 outbreak has highlighted the significance of having a strong online presence for all retail sectors and professional services.

In the nutshell, we can say that digital channels will help in face-to-face interaction and other business remote work settings. The companies need to implement new ways of working as the primary concern of all the businesses is to connect with their employees and customers.

Coronavirus: The Economic impact of covid-19 on india

Image Source: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fgumlet.assettype.com%2Fbloombergquint%252F2020-03%252Fd9c3b728-69dc-44f2-9771-e70c93cb9a6f%252FExpect_A_Rebound_After_COVID_19_Crisis.png%3Fauto%3Dformat%26q%3D35%26w%3D1200%26h%3D926&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bloombergquint.com%2Fopinion%2Fcoronavirus-the-economic-impact-of-covid-19-on-india&tbnid=_GVbZGz-YNqqJM&vet=12ahUKEwjn8rGy6-DpAhVSSysKHVtXD28QMygZegQIARA0..i&docid=3iHmNM3VfymL6M&w=1200&h=926&q=business%20%20in%20pandemic%20crisis%20graph&safe=strict&ved=2ahUKEwjn8rGy6-DpAhVSSysKHVtXD28QMygZegQIARA0



Anita Gigoo

Anita Gigoo is a Senior Content Writer at Mobileappdiary. Being an expert she loves to explore new ideas related to mobile technology.