Work From Home: A New Normal Routine For Working Life In India

Anita Gigoo
Published in
4 min readAug 28, 2020

The current pandemic and the resulting lockdown and unlock phases have made work from home a crucial part for the majority of the businesses. Working from the home facility is not only limited to IT professionals anymore, but several industries have adopted this process. But, still, there are some professions which are continuously working as their job cannot be done from the comfort of home. In between all this, several people are complaining that they are facing issues while working from home as there is no time for personal life.

According to various experts, it is evaluated that in the post-Corona situation, about 50 percent of the people will again start their daily routine to offices. But a lot of organizations and professionals realize that they were wasting a lot of time in the commute process. Thus, the IT industry will most probably prefer to work remotely or work from home. Luckily, nowadays, the technical aspect linked with the remote, work has become hassle-free as you have tools and software for almost all the activities. You can share documents to your team members using Google docs, chat using Hangouts, video call via Zoom, and for other professional assignments, you have Basecamp, Jira. These tools and cloud-based management tools have made life considerably smoother. However, it is vital to stay technically ready to avoid last-minute issues to enjoy your work from the home process.

· To make the job easier, follow the below listed suggestions that you can follow:

· Try to avoid disturbance while working from home.

· If you are getting client calls, ensure to have silence in the surroundings.

· Be ready for last-minute Zoom meetings and dress formally while starting your work from home.

· Create a working environment in your room and get the feel of the office.

How can companies maintain work culture ethics?

Undoubtedly, the present situation is a time of change, and almost all days are giving the same feeling. Employees are not much excited for Weekends like before as days are passing one after the other. To add value to your business, it is time to maintain a healthy work culture even if the employees are working remotely. For most of the companies, the teams are working from home for the first time, and the physically separated workspace has added a lot of space. To maintain that space, you have to fill the gap by focusing on the needs of your team. It is crucial to hold a healthy link with all the workers to survive in the new familiar era of work.

For the time being, we all are not aware of how much time we have to follow the same work routine. It is better to focus on your goals and make plans accordingly without wasting time and connect with your employees from time to time to avoid misunderstandings.

Adopt the new normal culture- Work from home

From approximately, last five months from 22 March, till today, all the organizations in India have ordered their employees to start their work from home. This new strategy for work has slowly become standard for people. It also has to turn into a first-time experience or a move in the influential culture, but the main emphasis is that, is it running the manner employer is expecting.

Maintaining the position of the business in the market is the responsibility of both the employer and employee. Companies have to look after the work culture, and employee needs to achieve several tasks. Well, the work rules cannot be changed in a day; it is a long process and needs to be implemented systematically. To accomplish the business goals you have:

· Team collaboration

· Boosting morale support

· Adding Flexibility in work hours

· Understand the needs and problems of the employee

Everything has changed almost immediately with the call for a complete lockdown, and to adjust in this process, everyone needs time. Those who work remotely certainly agree to the fact that the boundaries between their professional life and private lives have entirely vanished. But we cannot ignore the fact that work from home has added several benefits also like commute time, saving expenses of transport, and freedom. Thus it is time to unite and look at the aspect to add stability amid personal and professional needs to grow business and protect health.


With all this discussion, it is time to conclude this discussion, and we can say that work from home leads to more efficiency. But to improve the efficiency of the employees, the employer needs to take several necessary steps that are in favor of both sides. It is best that the company managers directly connect with their team to understand the problems they are experiencing and find ways so that they can put their 100% effort into the work. In addition to this, a lot of understanding and transparent work ethics maintenance between the employees and managers is crucial. It also helps you to realize the efforts each employee is putting in the work.



Anita Gigoo

Anita Gigoo is a Senior Content Writer at Mobileappdiary. Being an expert she loves to explore new ideas related to mobile technology.