Renée DiResta joins the MobileCoin Foundation Board

Lucy Kind
Published in
1 min readJul 21, 2020

We’re excited to announce Renée DiResta as our newest member of the MobileCoin Foundation board.

As the Technical Research Manager of the Stanford Internet Observatory, Renee investigates the spread of malign narratives across social and other media networks. She has advised Congress, the State Department, and other academic, civic, and business organizations, and has studied disinformation and computational propaganda in the context of pseudoscience conspiracies, terrorism, and state sponsored information warfare.

Renée is a co-author of The Hardware Startup: Building your Product, Business, and Brand, published by O’Reilly Media. As an Ideas contributor at Wired and The Atlantic, she regularly writes and speaks about the role that tech platforms and curatorial algorithms play in the proliferation of disinformation and conspiracy theories.

MobileCoin is an open-source project that embraces code transparency. We‘re thrilled to have someone with Renée distinguished background joining our organization.

Warmest welcomes to the MobileCoin Foundation, Renee!

