Say hello to MobileCoin Foundation board member, Sarah Novotny

Lucy Kind
Published in
1 min readJun 23, 2020

We’re excited to announce Sarah Novotny as our first MobileCoin Foundation board member.

Sarah is a leader in open source culture having led the design of governance for the Kubernetes project and helped create the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. She has recently joined the Microsoft Azure office of the CTO. She currently holds a position on the board of directors for both the Linux Foundation and previously spearheaded the merger between the Node.js Foundation and the JS Foundation creating the OpenJS Foundation. You may recognize her as the former conference chair for O’Reilly’s OSCON.

Her involvement with several arts related nonprofits include chairing the Artist Trust of Washington State Board and guiding The Project Room through its non-profit status acquisition.

MobileCoin is an open-source project. We’re thrilled to have someone with Sarah’s depth of experience lending her expertise as we lift our organization off the ground.

A warm welcome to the MobileCoin Foundation, Sarah!

