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Tiamat - simple Compose Multiplatform navigation

Yahor Urbanovich



Why do we need another navigation library? You can say: just choose one of the existing solutions.

For our project initially, we have chosen the Google Navigation Compose library. It was quite simple for developers who still migrated their minds to the new “Compose world”.

For some time we made a wrapper around the navigation library, to simplify access to the Navigation controller from any Compose screen.

LocalNavController returns the current controller in composition

Despite various improvements in navigation, we had a lot of critical moments that did not satisfy us:

  • Navigation using String key
  • A difficult way to pass data between screens
  • Navigation only over replace

We have experimented with some other libraries:

  • Voyager — it doesn’t update very often (recently got status 1.0), no possibility to pass lambda as a parameter (issue)
  • Decompose — a too complex framework for our project. By the way, I use it on personal projects and recommend to try 🌚
  • other solutions overengeenered (by our opinion)

Our requirements

To reach a goal, we first need to understand what we are striving for.

Here is what we expect from the navigation library:

  1. Compose first support + Multiplatform
  2. Simple API: Screeen creation, back stack handle, add/replace methods
  3. Navigation using Screen instance without any String keys
  4. A simple way to save State of the screen
  5. Pass Any data types between screens (even lambdas) and deliver the result
  6. Without code generation
  7. Without tying to any architecture or existing frameworks

Welcome Tiamat

We were so impressed with our internal library that we decided to make it open-source for Compose community.

After several months of experiments and polishing the code we fit all our requirements above.

Let’s deep dive into code examples.

Also, we have created a demo multiplatform App to demonstrate all current features. Please checkout the repository 🌚

iOS, Desktop, Android sample

How to use

  1. Adding dependency

Android / JVM:



sourceSets {
commonMain.dependencies {

2. Define you screens using navDestination delegate

val ListScreen by navDestination<Unit> {
// Composable content

val DetailScreen by navDestination<Unit> {
// Composable content

3. Create navController that will responsible to all navigation stuff

val navController = rememberNavController(
startDestination = ListScreen,
destinations = arrayOf(
// ...

modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
navController = navController

4. Make navigation

val ListScreen by navDestination<Unit> {
val navController = navController()

Column {
Text("Screen Header")
Button(onClick = { navController.navigate(DetailScreen)}){

Note: navDestination delegate under the hood creates special Scope, and you can safely call navController() and other things in your screen.

To make a replace navigation, simply use replace method in navController

val ListScreen by navDestination<Unit> {
val navController = navController()

Column {
Text("Screen Header")
Button(onClick = { navController.replace(DetailScreen)}){
Text("Replace screen")

Passing data between screens

Let's imagine you need to pass some id or model into a detail screen. To make it we need to change DetailScreen semantics from Unit to DetailParams.

data class DetailParams(val id: String)

val ListScreen by navDestination<Unit> {
val navController = navController()

Column {
Text("Screen Header")
Button(onClick = {
dest = DetailScreen,
navArgs = DetailParams(id = "314442")
}) {

val DetailScreen by navDestination<DetailParams> {
val args = navArgs()

Text(text =

To pass param you can use navArgs named argument

dest = DetailScreen,
navArgs = DetailParams(id = "314442")

To read args you can use navArgs() for non-nullable params or navArgsOrNull for optional screen parameters.

If you need to return some data from DetailScreen you can use navController.back() method

data class NavResult(val counter: Int)

val DetailScreen by navDestination<DetailParams> {
val navController = navController()

var counter by remember { mutableIntStateOf(0) }

Column {
verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically,
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(8.dp)
) {
CircleButton("-") { counter-- }
Text(text = "Value: $counter")
CircleButton("+") { counter++ }
Button(onClick = { navController.back(NavResult(counter)) }) {
Text("Deliver result")

Nested navigation

Tiamat allows to make nested NavControllers.

For example, Login feature contains multiple screens. You can easily combine it into a separate LoginFlow and hide implementation details.

val RootFlow by navDestination<Unit> {
val navController = rememberNavController(
startDestination = LoginFlow,
destinations = arrayOf(
// ...

Navigation(navController = navController)

val LoginFlow by navDestination<Unit> {
val nestedController = rememberNavController(
startDestination = Screen1,
destinations = arrayOf(
// ...

Navigation(navController = nestedController)

ViewModel support

Library has own TiamatViewModel and provides the same experience as Androidx Viewmodel:

  • saving state during configuration changes
  • provides viewModelScope
data class DetailParams(val id: String)

class DetailsViewModel(private val id: String) : TiamatViewModel() {
// ...

val DetailScreen by navDestination<DetailParams> {
val navController = navController()
val args = navArgs()

val viewModel = rememberViewModel { DetailsViewModel( }
// ...

In this sample we can easily pass argument from navArgs into our ViewModel and do smth with it.

Note: rememberViewModel also attached to NavDestination Scope

Backstack alteration

This feature is useful for Deeplink navigation, due to you need to create screen’s backstack in a specific order.

To use it simply call nestedNavController.editBackStack { } block and put screens in the necessary order.

Note 1: During alteration you can also put some data into screens

Note 2: In sample below we don’t pass startDestination into rememberNavController 🌚

val BackStackAlterationRoot by navDestination<Unit> {
Column {
val nestedNavController = rememberNavController(
key = "BackStackAlterationNavController",
destinations = arrayOf(
Row {
TextButton("Remove first") {
if (nestedNavController.getBackStack().isNotEmpty())
nestedNavController.editBackStack {
backstackKey = Unit
TextButton("Add at index 0") {
nestedNavController.editBackStack {
if (nestedNavController.getBackStack().isNotEmpty()) {
add(0, ScreenAt0)
} else add(ScreenAt0)
backstackKey = Unit
TextButton("Add last") {
nestedNavController.editBackStack {
backstackKey = Unit
TextButton("Make 1-2-3-4") {
nestedNavController.editBackStack {
backstackKey = Unit

Need more cases?

Other more advanced cases may be found in the repository. What is not covered in this post, but available in the sample app:

  • NestedNavigation
  • BottomBar navigation
  • Custom screen transitions

Source code:

Don’t forget to try it out and raise your feedback ❤️



Yahor Urbanovich

A fan of beautiful ui, spend my free time by working with Compose and KMM