The future of mobility is happening now | Five examples

Ludwig Dumont
4 min readOct 12, 2017

Technology has changed our worlds in the past few decades in unimaginable ways. Advent in technology has lead to new developments and gigantic changes in fields and areas which seemingly have no relation to it. Our routines and lives have been dramatically altered due to this continuously developing innovative technology, from the way we communicate, the way we shop, the way we earn, the way we work, the way we educate- and the way we travel.

One of the primary driving forces behind mobility is increasing automation in our transportation systems due to the invention of new technologies that further facilitate our traversing habits. There are a plethora of different networks and transport systems that work in tandem with one another to make easy mobility a possibility for all of us. Whether it be personal cars and motorcycles, trucks, trains, airplanes, or any other mode of transportation that gets us from point A to point B. But the point here is, that the means of traveling are changing and developing into something completely new and unimaginable.

Existing mobility innovations that hint at the future

To give you an idea of how the future of transportation and mobility is taking shape, we enlisted five examples. Noteworthy is the fact that most of this future is already happening today. This once again points forward the velocity with which the world of mobility is changing!

Flying Taxis

Only recently, Dubai saw the introduction of new flying drones that will soon make flying taxis the norm. Made by City AirBus, these are set to take off commercially and have been the talk of the town ever since their release. These flying taxis will have fixed routes with practiced pilots manning the craft. Following on this path, many other tax services, such as Uber, are looking to pursue flying taxi services as well.

Driverless Cars

As the California Department of Motor Vehicles took down the bans and regulations imposed on the testing of autonomous, driverless vehicles in the state this month, it seems as if they have big plans for this game changing technology. As over 285 driverless vehicles head out on the roads of California, belonging to over 42 famed companies including Honda and Apple, anyone can predict this is the mobility of the future.

App based pickup services

It seems as if app based pickup and drop-off services have been around for decades when, in fact, they have only just begun to catch wind and gain the recognition that is likely to take them into the future as one of the leading modes of transportation. The connection of transportation services to our smartphones in the form of apps where one can order a cab at a desired location has added tonnes of convenience to the process of hiring a vehicle as compared to hailing a taxi on the street. Apps like Lyft are already well established in technology first metropoles and are likely to remain as such.

Electric Vehicles

China, on the other hand, is investing greatly in favor of electric vehicles, deeming them the future rather than oil guzzling cars that eat up fossil fuel reserves and pollute the environment. The interest is such that it is being reported that BMW is looking to collaborate with Great Wall Motor in China to specifically work over electric vehicles.

Water hovers

Very recently, Washington DC saw the introduction of the Wharf- their very own water taxi system. The Potomac water taxi will connect Southwest waterfront with Georgetown and Alexandria and is expected to carry 300,000 passengers every year, opening up a whole new world of traveling and transit opportunities.

Mobility of the future | Be part of it today

As more and more players realize the potential in the mobility field and enter this market to contribute with innovations, we are bound to see it thrive. Whether it be in the form of electric vehicles, vehicles that do not need drivers, vehicles that can be hired with a wave of the hand, and vehicles that can fly- many of which have already become a possibility in this day and age.

We challenge you to be part of this future by joining us during our 3-day Mobility of the Future summit! You will have the opportunity to shape this future yourself by participating in numerous workshops and a full-fledged hackathon. You’ll get inspired by international thought leaders in the field of mobility and you’ll be able to meet and talk to innovative startups who are disrupting mobility as a concept.

You can learn more about Mobility of the Future here!

