Remembering Our Ancestors: Reclaiming Our Power

Power California
Mobilize the Immigrant Vote
3 min readAug 8, 2017

Two weeks ago we kicked off our annual Movement Building Electoral Organizing Boot Camp titled #MyAncestorsTaughtMe. This year we brought together 70 leaders from 29 organizations in the statewide Mobilize the Immigrant Vote Alliance and YVote Network.

Boot Camp participants brought their expertise working with diverse immigrants, refugees, and young people of color. They learnt, built relationships, and planned for winning campaigns over two consecutive 3-day sessions in Northern and Southern California.

Our first Boot Camp in 2014 aimed to help close the skills gap that our partners and allies in electoral organizing face. With growing demand, it’s clear that Boot Camp is effective and needed as shared by some of the 2017 graduates.

This is the best training that I have participated in since 2007. The MBEO Boot Camp grounded us in culture and history as an inspirational framework to dive into electoral organizing, which is often isolating, exhausting, and lacks representation from our communities. I was deeply moved that facilitators not only shared their skills and knowledge but also challenges they face in the work. It was important to acknowledge shared struggle in this work and lift nourishment from our cultures and communities. Boot Camp was well organized, nuanced, and comprehensive. It was the heart that the staff put into the trainings that shone through and was so inspiring. I feel grateful to have participated in this space. — Beatriz Herrera, San Francisco Rising

It was very impactful to come together with organizers of color from across the state to collaborate, learn, and share ideas. I feel like I am a part of a larger movement and have the necessary support to engage young people of color in civic activism. — Niq Toliver, Community Coalition

I was energized to be in a space with people of color young and old, learning how to use data, cultural strategy, communications, and much more to ensure our communities are ready to flex their political power in 2018 and fight for a more inclusive and equitable future. — Luis Ojeda, Californians for Justice

Many many thanks to all the organizations whose commitment to multiracial, intergenerational power building helped make this year’s Boot Camp an unforgettable experience!

ACT for Women and Girls, Asian Pacific Environmental Network, California Partnership, Californians for Justice, Chinese Progressive Association, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, Communities for a Better Environment, Community Coalition, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Filipino Advocates for Justice, Future Leaders of America, Inland Congregations United for Change, Inner City Struggle, Khmer Girls in Action, Korean Resource Center, Mid-City Community Advocacy Network, Mi Familia Vota, MILPA, National Iranian American Council, Oakland Rising, Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans, Resilience Orange County, RYSE, San Francisco Rising, Services Immigrant Rights and Education Network, TODEC Legal Center, University of California Santa Cruz.

We are excited to journey with all the 2017 Boot Camp graduates who are taking back lessons learned and training community members as we imagine, lead, and govern toward a just and equitable world. Check out our #MyAncestorsTaughtMe Boot Camp Album. Follow Mobilize the Immigrant Vote and YVote on social media to stay up to date on our work to transform the electoral organizing landscape.



Power California
Mobilize the Immigrant Vote

Power California harnesses the energy of young voters of color and their families to create a state that is equitable, inclusive and just for everyone who calls