Ensuring Secure Software Development Lifecycle in Android

Tamer Sarioglu
Published in
9 min readJan 18, 2024

Security matters greatly today, not only for protecting your physical assets but also for digital ones. As more people use mobile devices and the Android platform becomes the most popular mobile operating system globally, securing Android applications is now a primary concern for developers and organizations. Adopting a Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDLC) has become a key strategy to address this concern. In this piece, we will discuss securing Android apps with SSDLC and why protecting your online information is important.

The Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDLC) is a systematic and structured approach to integrating security measures into the software development process. This approach ensures that security is a key aspect of the development cycle rather than being an afterthought. In the context of Android application development, SSDLC is valuable for identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, minimizing risks, and preventing issues such as data leaks, which can compromise the safety and privacy of sensitive information.

Let’s explore these key stages one by one.

1. Requirement Analysis and Security Planning:

Identifying Security Requirements and Constraints: This step involves understanding your app’s specific security needs, such as data encryption, user authentication, and access control. Also, identify constraints like regulatory requirements or technical limitations that might impact your security measures. For instance, handling sensitive user data may require following data protection laws, influencing your security approach.

Understanding Potential Threats and Vulnerabilities: It’s important to recognize threats like hacking, malware, data theft and vulnerabilities within your app, such as weak access controls or insecure data storage. Knowing these helps in developing effective security measures for your app’s protection.

Developing a Security Plan: A security plan details the security measures to be implemented throughout development. Here are the key components of a security plan:

  • Data Encryption: Encrypting sensitive data to protect against unauthorized access. Android offers tools and APIs for data encryption, such as the Android Keystore system for secure key storage.
  • Access Control: To prevent unauthorized access to your app and its data, use Android’s permission system to manage access, especially for sensitive features.
  • Secure Coding Practices: Adopting secure coding practices to avoid common vulnerabilities such as buffer overflows and SQL injection attacks. This involves input validation, proper error handling, and other security-focused coding techniques.
  • Regular Security Audits: Regularly auditing your app for security weaknesses to address potential issues. This might involve static analysis tools, dynamic analysis tools, or manual code reviews.
  • User Authentication: Implementing user authentication can help verify the identity of your app’s users and protect their data. This can be achieved through passwords, biometrics, or two-factor authentication.
  • Secure Communication: Ensuring communication between your app and any servers or APIs is secure using protocols like HTTPS or TLS.

2. Design and Architecture

Applying best practices for security not only protects sensitive data but also strengthens the reliability of the app. Here’s a look at key security elements in Android development:

  • Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP): This principle ensures the app only asks for and gets the permissions needed for its functions. The app reduces possible security risks and prevents data misuse by limiting access to only essential resources, such as the camera, location, contacts, etc.
  • Encrypting Sensitive Data: Important data like user credentials, personal information and payment details should be encrypted on the device and during transmission. Tools like Android Keystore help keep this data safe from unauthorized access.
  • Secure Communication Protocols: Using protocols like HTTPS for app-server communication prevents data from being intercepted or altered and maintains the confidentiality and integrity of transmitted information.
  • Defined Roles and Responsibilities for Security: Consider setting specific security roles in the development team. Assign dedicated security experts or team members to handle secure coding and regular security checks, ensuring they stay updated on the latest security standards in the Android ecosystem.

Integrating these security steps into the design and architecture of Android apps makes them more secure and resilient against potential threats and helps gain user trust.

3. Development

Focusing on security during the development phase of an Android app is important for a reliable and safe final product. Let’s look at some key security practices for Android development:

  • Secure Coding Practices: Following guidelines such as the OWASP Mobile Top Ten is key. These guidelines list significant security risks for mobile apps, helping developers recognize and address common vulnerabilities in Android app development.
  • Regular Vulnerability Checks: For regular vulnerability checks, static analysis tools such as FindBugs, Android Lint, or Checkmarx are useful in identifying security flaws in the code without having to run the app, detecting issues like insecure data storage or improper input validation. Additionally, dynamic analysis tools like MobSF, QARK, or Drozer are important for monitoring the app in real-time on devices or emulators, helping to uncover runtime vulnerabilities, API misuses, or data leaks.
  • Security-Focused Code Reviews: In security-focused code reviews for Android applications, attention is needed in two main areas. First, the review should thoroughly examine Android-specific security aspects, checking for correct usage of features such as permissions, secure storage, communication protocols, handling of user data, and authentication methods. Second, the review should address vulnerabilities listed in the OWASP Mobile Top Ten for Android applications, targeting Android platforms’ most critical security risks. This dual focus helps to thoroughly assess the app’s security.

4. Testing and Quality Assurance:

Security testing is a must in Android app development, aiming to find and fix any security issues. This step includes penetration testing, scanning for vulnerabilities, and using real-world attack scenarios to make sure the app is safe from attacks that could harm user data or the app’s functionality.

  • Android Penetration Testing: Android penetration testing analyses your app for security weaknesses that attackers could exploit. This can be done manually or with automated tools to find security issues before releasing the app.
  • Automating Security Testing in Android: Automated security testing uses tools to run your tests. This approach is quicker, more consistent, and usually gives better actionable feedback. It reduces human error, helps find and fix security threats sooner, streamlines sorting out vulnerabilities, allows consistent security checks, and clarifies responsibilities. For example, integrating AppSweep with GitHub automates mobile app security tests. The security scan results are posted to your GitHub repository and appear in pull requests after a scan.
  • Using Real-World Attack Scenarios: Testing with real-world attack scenarios helps find potential weaknesses that might not show up in normal tests. This means simulating real attacker methods on your app to see how it would react and fixing any discovered weaknesses.

In Android security testing, there are several key aspects to consider:

  • Data Protection: Check how your app manages sensitive data. Use methods like encryption, obfuscation, or hashing to protect this data.
  • Code Quality: The app’s code should be clean, consistent, and well-structured. Regularly review your code to identify and fix common security flaws.

5. Deployment:

When deploying your Android app, there are several security measures to consider:

Secure Packaging:

  • Use tools like ProGuard to obfuscate and minify your code, making it difficult for attackers to reverse engineer your app.
  • Encrypt sensitive assets such as images and videos to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Ensure your app uses HTTPS to transmit data to and from your servers.

Code Signing:

  • Sign your Android Package (APK) with a private key to confirm its integrity and prevent tampering. Tools like jarsigneror Android Studio’s signing configurations can be used.
  • Consider using Android App Bundles and Play App Signing for apps distributed through the Google Play Store.

Secure Distribution:

  • Distribute your app through the Google Play Store to benefit from its security measures and comply with its policies.
  • If distributing within an organization, use Google Play Private Channel or other secure enterprise methods.

Update Mechanisms:

  • Keep your app signing keys secure; losing them can complicate the update process.
  • Use Android’s in-app update API to prompt users to update the app when a new version is available.
  • Encourage users to install updates, especially with security improvements.

Monitoring and Security Auditing:

  • Implement real-time monitoring for unusual activities and threats.
  • Integrate crash reporting tools like Firebase Crashlytics to identify and fix issues promptly.
  • Regularly conduct security audits to identify and fix vulnerabilities.

Informing Users:

  • Clearly explain the necessity of app permissions to build user trust.
  • Inform users about your app’s security features, like encryption and secure communication.

Legal Compliance:

  • Maintain a clear privacy policy detailing how user data is managed.
  • Ensure your app complies with regulations like GDPR for data processing.

Incident Response Plan:

  • Have a plan for security incidents, ensuring quick and effective response to breaches.

6. Maintenance and Updates:

In this step, it’s necessary to constantly monitor for security incidents and apply required patches and updates as they become available.

  • Implement Security Monitoring Tools: Tools like Snyk provide ongoing security monitoring for applications in production. These tools monitor logs, network traffic, and system events to spot unusual activities or threats. If an accident occurs, they notify the security team quickly, enabling a fast response.
  • Measure Response Performance: Understanding your security incident and event management (SIEM) or security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) tools can provide insights into your program performance. Key metrics, like the average time to detect and respond to incidents, can guide handling and ranking risks. By analizing these metrics, you can identify gaps in your business.

Keep up-to-date with the latest security news, updates, and advisories in Android development. For the latest threat information, subscribe to relevant mailing lists, forums, and security feeds. Regularly interacting with the security community helps you stay on top of best practices and new types of attacks.

The Benefits of a Secure SSDLC for Android:

Using a Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDLC) in Android brings several benefits:

  • Security from the start helps find and fix issues early, saving time and costs.
  • A secure app gains user trust, leading to more users and better reviews.
  • A secure SSDLC helps comply with data protection regulations.
  • Fixing issues early is cheaper than after release. Security breaches can be costly in fines and brand damage.
  • A secure app improves your brand’s image.
  • A well-implemented SSDLC reduces the risk of attacks.

Best Practices for Secure SSDLC in Android:

  • Keep your team trained in secure coding and aware of current threats.
  • Use and regularly update trusted libraries.
  • Build security into your app from the beginning.
  • Conduct threat modelling to identify and prioritize potential security risks.
  • Implement automated security testing tools to identify vulnerabilities and security weaknesses in your code.
  • Make sure any third-party elements are secure.
  • Have and follow Android-specific secure coding rules.
  • Develop and regularly update an incident response plan to handle security breaches and mitigate their impact.

Challenges in Secure SSDLC for Android:

  • Smaller teams may struggle to find resources and expertise to focus on security.
  • Finding the right balance can be tough.
  • Agile and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices can make it difficult to incorporate thorough security testing.
  • Relying on external libraries or services can bring unknown risks.
  • Maintaining the security of existing Android applications with legacy code can be challenging.

In conclusion, securing Android apps is an important aspect of development. Implementing a Secure SSDLC isn’t just an option; it’s necessary. Following best practices and navigating through challenges, you create apps safeguarding user data and privacy, boosting your brand and contributing to a more secure digital environment. It’s important to remember that security is a continuous commitment in the dynamic field of mobile app development.

