Mobilum and EthicHub Form Partnership

Mobilum Pay Wallet
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2018

We are very pleased to announce our partnership with EthicHub.

EthicHub is a Social Network that directly connects investors who truly care about the impact their money will have with a selection of highly profitable and positive impact projects — benefitting both the lenders and the borrowers on a true peer-to-peer crowdlending platform. Based on Smart Contracts, Ethic Hub builds a digital identity and credit history for these borrowers.

“Millions of small farmers in developing countries don’t have access to traditional financial services or only get local cash loans with extremely high interest rates. As a result, they are deprived of possibilities to grow their businesses or convert their ideas into new profitable projects.”

Mobilum is a payment processing platform which enables users the ability to make real-time cryptocurrency payments at any point of sale, using their existing payment card of choice. Our platform consists of a Mobilum Smart Contract powered by the MBM token, and the Mobilum Wallet (the mobile application). Together, Ethic Hub and Mobilum create a unique technological solution, which allows users to make and receive payments in the currency of their choice. Mobilum connects fiat and crypto currencies in real-time, decreasing the total cost of each transaction and guaranteeing the most favourable execution.

“We are really happy to announce a partnership with EthicHub. We are going to develop a brand new service for our platform to give our community new business opportunities” — Wojciech Kaszycki | Founder & CEO of Mobilum

Both EthicHub and Mobilum are part of the StartupToken acceleration program.

RSK & Mobilum present at StartupToken Europe Tour 2018

This program has been an excellent facilitator of mutually beneficial partnerships and collaborations as great minds from each project are able to connect, and explore ways of working together.

We will be showcasing the loans offered by Ethic Hub to Mobilum users as possible investment options. By doing this, Mobilum users will not only have the most advantageous wallet, but will also have the opportunity to invest in the positive impact projects Ethic Hub features, all within the same mobile application.

EthicHub will integrate Mobilum’s wallets into its platform, providing EthicHub’s users with an easier and more effective way of handling their crypto and fiat currencies. The Mobilum technology will allow users to have a nominative debit card to receive their loans, and pay them back.

We expect this to be the first step of a long lasting partnership that will provide both companies greater exposure to global communities and markets.

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Mobilum Pay Wallet

Building all-in-one infrastructure to meet global payment needs. Trusted by Ledger and among many others.