Step by Step Guide to Sign Up and Complete Verification For Mobilum Card

Mobilum Pay Wallet
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2024

Step 1: Go to Apple App Store or Google Play Store to download the Mobilum Pay app.

Step 2: Register by providing your Email address and phone number.

Step 3: Activate your Mobilum Pay account using the activation link

An email activation link will be sent to your email address to verify your profile.

E.g. Activation email you would receive from Mobilum Pay

Step 4: To start using your Mobilum pay card, you will need to activate it and verify your identity.

State your country of residence

Step 5: You will be prompted to provide more personal information.

Step 6: Verify your identify, by providing your selected identity document

You will be prompted to provide an identity document to verify your identity

Take a photo of both the front and back of your identity card. Try to adjust and fit your image into the white rectangle.

Step 7: Perform face recognition check via the app

Please allow Mobilum permission to your camera app. Rotate your chin 360 following the green indicator.

Step 8: Declare if you are a Politically Exposed Person ( PEP )

Step 9: You have successfully verified your profile.



Mobilum Pay Wallet

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