This is How the New Money is Moving; Bitcoin Exchange

Mobilum Pay Wallet
Published in
5 min readApr 20, 2018

Based on day by day improvements in technology, the new form of money known as cryptocurrency is making its vast presence across the globe. Just like Bitcoin, cryptocurrency it is a digital currency created and held digitally. It differs from other forms of currency in the fact that it is not printed — as in the case of units of fiat money — and is not controlled by any institution, such as the government. Rather, it is decentralized and stored in “digital wallets” which a user can have on his computer or cloud.

Digital currencies are decentralized and stored in “digital wallets

With the absence of a controlling body, users are in control of their money, and no personal information is tied to the account, only the user’s public address. Additionally, this system is not subject to limitations pertaining to banking norms — such as public holidays — it is, therefore, available anytime. These digital currencies are generated by “miners” — general members of the public who compete to get bitcoin via solving complex mathematical puzzles on their computers.

Digital currencies are generated by “miners”

The users who “mine” them can carry out transactions, sending and receiving this currency, facilitating payments. Once these transactions take place, they are chronologically and publicly recorded in a digital ledger, known as a Blockchain. With each new transaction, a completed block is formed from each recording.

The Blockchain assists with ensuring the security of the cryptocurrency, further increasing its efficiency. As well, a copy of the Blockchain is automatically downloaded in a “node” a computer that is connected to a Bitcoin network, using a client who undertakes the task of validating and relaying transactions. Therefore, the Blockchain has complete information regarding the address and balances from the origin to the latest completed block.

However, a number of factors — including high volatility — make it rather difficult to spend this currency. This could result from lack of regulatory oversight. As the government does not control it, there are chances of market manipulation, allowing volatility.

Other reasons include:

Not many people are educated on the pros and cons of digital currencies and how they work.
  • Not many people are educated about this system making it difficult for businesses to begin adopting digital currencies and accepting bitcoins.
  • Many are unaware of the features of bitcoin.
  • The lack of government endorsements have prejudiced people against adopting it, making it become a difficult form of medium for exchange. Due to this, many do not use this currency as a means of payment but rather as an investment.

Many believe that keeping cryptocurrency as an investment will increase its value over time, which is not entirely the case, and will be explained later on.

To help make it flexible to use this currency as the former, we introduce MOBILUM, the best facilitator to ensure this is a possibility.

Pay anywhere. Any cryptocurrency. Any payment card.

Mobilum is the new advanced way of bridging fiat currencies with cryptocurrency. It directly connects digital currency with any payment card without considering the issuer of the cards, be it MasterCard, Visa, MIR, JCB, UnionPay among many others, enabling the user to pay anywhere, using any payment card. The Mobilum platform involves a Mobilum wallet; a multi-asset secure Blockchain — which when configured with the user’s preferred default Blockchain — can have full control over their funds anytime. This serves as an advantage to the user as he will enjoy being in full control of his digital assets.

Mobilum wallet is a multi-asset secure Blockchain.

Mobilum offers a good opportunity to keep track of your transactions in cases where criminals are involved in a theft. When the currency is converted to fiat money — although the identity of the user remains anonymous — investigators are able to track the fraudsters and the rightful owners, thereby providing some safety to the cryptocurrency.

As the popularity of cryptocurrency increases, so will the need for a solution like Mobilum as many people still do not have access to the conventional banking system. Due to the need of financial inclusion (as more people become engaged in Bitcoin) the volume of banked individuals will increase — and simultaneously with help of Mobilum — an increase of transactions will take place more efficiently, securely and transparently, thus increasing opportunities for the individuals on the global market.

The value of cryptocurrency is subject to various fluctuations; there are times whereby it could drastically rise, and also times when it could drastically fall — depending on the global events and developments of digital currency. It’s recorded that in one instance the currency faced a dive of 23% against the US dollar, and then… ten days later, it declined even further.

Bitcoin’s perceived value fluctuates against fiat currencies.

Bitcoin has some qualities that make it similar to gold. Just as gold is mined from the ground, Bitcoin is mined through digital means. To help standardize its value, it has been set to have a limit of its production that is set at 21 million Bitcoins — in order to limit its supply.

The Mobilum platform is a high-frequency matching engine that allows execution of best asset classes over time. Its connectivity module enables it to connect to the data feeds of major digital exchanges to determine optimal prices for its users. This allows for deriving the best choice for the user to enjoy the maximum benefit.

Mobilum wallet provides real-time conversion rates.

For maximum enjoyment and management of your digital currency, Mobilum is the optimal choice! Mobilum is revolutionizing the way money will be spent, in a more advanced technological society, while easing the facilitation of transactions. With cryptocurrency, we appreciate the new form of future currency. And with Mobilum, we get to enjoy the opportunity of being able to use that currency!

Make the right move! Learn more at

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Mobilum Pay Wallet

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