E-Learning Technology

Ranjitha Sadashiva Murthy
Published in
8 min readMay 28, 2019

“We need to bring learning to people instead of people to learning.” — Elliot Masie

  • E-Learning didn’t happen overnight. It’s a result of the long struggle of humans for Learning technology development.
  • There are many crossroads in history that add to the inevitable birth of E-Learning. So let’s see how E-Learning came into existence?

Here are a few bits of history worth reviewing…

An E-Learning timeline

  • Long before the internet was launched, long-distance courses over snail mail were being offered to students in many parts of the world.
  • In 1954, BF Skinner, a Harvard Professor, imagined the “training machine”, which empowered schools to control customized guidance to their students.
  • This PC based project (or CBT program) was known as PLATO-Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations. It was initially intended for students going to the University of Illinois, however, wound up being utilized in schools all through the zone.
Image Credit:Web.njit.edu

E-Learning Today

  • With the development of the PC and web in the late twentieth century, E-Learning platforms came into existence. The PC/MAC in the 1980’s empowered people to have PCs in their homes, making it simpler for them to find out about specific subjects and build up certain ranges of abilities. In the next decade, virtual learning conditions started to genuinely flourish, with individuals accessing an abundance of online data and E-Learning openings.

Wondering!!! what would be the technology behind this ever trending concept?

Here it goes…

1) CMS (Content Management systems)


What is a content management system?

A content management system (CMS) is a software which can be used to upload the content and share digital media.

Benefits of CMS for E-Learning

As shown in Figure1 Content Management System has these benefits which are mentioned below

  • User-Friendly
  • Accessibility
  • Optimization
  • Security

How it is been used?

  • E-Learning makes great utilization of database and CMS advances. These two works are inseparable. Mainly it stores your course content, test results and understudy records.
  • The information is stored in the database and the CMS gives a UI to you to include, refresh and erase information. A decent LMS ( Learning Management System ) will regularly give revealing devices to produce and store advance reports.
  • Programming like Flash and PowerPoint will enable you to make your introductions smooth, with high caliber, graphically rich content.
  • There is word handling bundles and HTML editors accessible nowadays that make designing your content or site pages a breeze, expelling a ton of the multifaceted nature.

2) Cloud-based learning


What is cloud-based E-Learning?

E-Learning available in the cloud; i.e. cloud is a virtual environment where all the resources are stored, accessed from various forms of web-enabled devices.

Benefits of Cloud-Based E-Learning

  • Remote access. It all means anytime anywhere concept i.e. Students get access to the E-Learning materials from wherever they are. This facilitates individual learning and makes it easier for distance learners to participate fully in the course.
  • Security. The cloud is a very secure option for securing data, including learning materials.
  • Data backup. This system helps students, educators etc..to securely backs up data in real time. That means that even if an individual educator’s PC breaks down the course materials will not be lost.
  • Cost-effectiveness. Many basic cloud-based E-Learning platforms are totally free to use. When Compared to the cost of the non-digital teaching method, cloud-based E-Learning provides great value for money.

3) SaaS in E-Learning


So let’s start from the beginning…

What do you think a Saas is?

SaaS or Software as a Service is essentially sharing the software that is available on the cloud

SaaS is used in eCommerce, collaboration, applications, file sharing and learning management systems.

This leads us to the next question.

What is Saas in E-Learning?

SaaS is a learning management system available on the cloud. The only choice companies had was to buy E-Learning software and install it on their servers before cloud computing came into the picture

Benefits of Saas in E-Learning

  • User-Friendly We won’t need a dedicated IT person or access to an IT department to launch your E-Learning program, it’s simple and user-friendly to access.
  • Flexible You can request additional features so that you can meet your corporate learning goals. And any changes in the future can be undone or redone to suit your growing organization.
  • Focused on learners This is user and learner-centered.
  • Secure but accessible This system reach out global audience and maintain a deeper discussion and collaboration.

Fact: As per an ongoing study by MintJutras, over 45% of all Learning offerings shall be SaaS by2023.

4) Tin Can API, aka xAPI


What is the TinCan API?

Wait, what it is called …

TinCanAPI is now known as Experience API (Tin Can is the project name). You’ll often see it or hear it as xAPI in forums.

So what is XAPI?

Advanced distributed learning (ADL) is a company which Developed TinCan thinking that it could be a really great way to learn more about what’s going on within an organization’s learning environment.

In short, this was created to track more information about the learning behavior of users than was previously available.


  • A standout amongst the most full-scale investigated themes among learning experts today.
  • It empowers the gathering of information about a wide scope of learning encounters an individual experience.
  • It depends on a Learning Record Store, and it defeats most of the confinements of SCORM, which was the past standard.

Future E-Learning trends

1)MOOC (Massive open online course)

  • This platform facilitates users with greater flexibility, for example, a person sitting in the United States can chat with the person(classmate) who is in India in real time.
  • So this open source platform provides structured learning

2) Mobile Learning

Any layman can understand what is mobile learning, Mobile learning gives access to all the users keeping ” Anywhere Anytime “concept in mind.


3) Gamification

Do you love games? Yes?!!

Think of a situation where you are learning an important topic which is as interactive as a video game ??Do you love it?


Yes!! Future E-Learning will be like playing video games.

As shown in the figure7 the benefits of E-Learning include mastering the concept, skill development, Immediate feedback, all these elements included in the learning process which will excite students to learn.

4)Virtual and Augmented reality (AR and VR)

The two popular buzzwords in the E-Learning world are Virtual reality and Augmented reality.

Virtual Reality :

  • Futuristic virtual reality technologies could actually put learners in the role of the discoverer, astronaut, historical figures, etc.
  • Technologies like Google Glass and other wearable devices will be readily available to use throughout the learning process.
  • The possibilities of virtual reality are un-imaginary because if you can imagine it, you could virtually design it, interact with it, and incorporate it into the learning experience.
Figure 8

Augmented Reality :

  • AR provides training at the point of need. Augmented Reality helps learners to perform their tasks which they have never done before.
  • Similar to virtual reality, AR can create a safe environment where learners can practice without fear of any harm.
  • With AR, it is possible to create a practice environment(As shown in Figure8) and this has always been recommended as a better way to learn.
  • AR also allows learners to share their learning experiences.
  • Learners can simultaneously view and interact with others even if they are not in the same physical location.
  • According to learning experts, this is the most promising technology that holds the future of learning.

Advantages of E-Learning

1) Research upgradeability

  • With the help of CMS ( Content Management System ), there will be upgradability of all the concept within no time. This helps students /researchers to look at the content which was heard never before and enhance their knowledge to a higher level.
  • This Information will be available and we have to let our students make Learning hassle-free.

2) Open Educational Resources (OER)

  • There are freely available documents and media, which are Often written by the world’s best authors on any subject and sector. This method will transform the role of the traditional teacher.
  • All these resources should be used wisely and in creative ways to encourage learning outside the traditional classrooms

3) Overseas Students

  • There is no need to think about in another nation when you get the equivalent — or far better dimension of training through distance learning. Without a doubt, the experience won’t be the equivalent, yet the cost investment funds will be generous.

Before Coming to an End ….

E-Learning is here to stay …

Let’s rewind a bit. Hundreds of years ago, learning was all about

”Just Learning “, copying and memorizing. Learning happened verbally out of a tablet called a Hornbook and eventually moved on to a chalkboard.

And now It’s a journey from chalkboards to chat boards…

The Internet is all-pervading and so is E-Learning.

Learning system abruptly changed in the 21st century with many iterations.

All these can mean one thing only. The future of E-Learning is bright. All we have to do is encourage new eLearning methods to flourish and older E-Learning techniques to evolve.

Looking to have your own E-Learning platform? Look no further than Mobiotics. Take a look today at our vLite MOOC SAAS offering.

