Want to Launch Your Own E-Learning Platform?

Ranjitha Sadashiva Murthy
Published in
7 min readAug 8, 2019

Here is a Complete Guide…

Online E-Learning platforms deliver online courses and training programs that can be hosted in the cloud. Tracking, management, and monetization of courses are also part of the functionality.

  • Education is an ever-lasting industry and is currently gaining huge traction in online space.
  • Setting up your own E-Learning platform doesn’t have to be a next-to-impossible feat, even if you don’t have much prior experience with E-Learning Industry.

Fact- The E-learning market is estimated to progress from USD 190 billion in 2018 to USD 300 billion by 2025, according to a 2019 Global Market Insights.

How to Launch an E-learning platform?

Step#1 Choose an authoring tool that is right for you

  • The authoring tool(s) have the ability to define your E-Learning experience. This is the reason it’s so fundamental to pick the best authoring tool that offers you features and ease of use as per your need.
  • Preferably, you’ll need an E-Learning tool(s) that offer you both adaptability and usability.

The choice of a tool depends on :

  • What courses do you want to offer?
  • How do you expect your learners to use the course?
  • How do you want to provide feedback?
  • What standardization and interoperability requirements you have

With hundreds of tools available in the market, how do you choose the best one that suits all your needs?

Check the points below to know the basic requirements for selecting an authoring tool. You will also get an idea of some popular authoring tools and their strengths.

Select the tool based on your requirement :

  • Training Requirements
  • Content size and quality
  • Composition of students
  • Nature of the content
  • Language requirements
  • Available development time
  • Interoperability
  • Other constraints

Most Popular Authoring tools are :

Step#2 Create an E-Learning template

E-Learning templates provide some structure to the design of your online training. So, choosing a good template design helps as if these templates become rigid; instead of helping the training design, they obstruct it.

Steps to be followed for creating an E-Learning Template :

1: Choose The Best E-Learning Authoring Tool (As mentioned in Step#1)
You need a versatile and reliable E-Learning tool to create an E-Learning course. These tool(s) should have great themes, designs and asset libraries.

  • Some may make use of pre-built E-Learning templates that you can use as a springboard for your customized E-Learning design.
  • Last but not least, look for a responsive design tool that automatically adjusts the layout based on the learner’s device. All of these features will save time and resources in the long run, as you won’t have to purchase additional software.

2: Create The Layout

  • Once you find the ideal E-Learning authoring tool, it’s time to create the “bare bones” of your E-Learning template. The default layout provides a framework for you to create a layout.
  • By default, the basic building blocks of your E-Learning course design should contain borders, backgrounds, text boxes, and logos
  • The goal is to create a reusable E-Learning template that you can easily customize based on your needs.

3: Add The Essential Layout Elements

All the E-Learning templates should have the following pages:

  • Introduction
  • Learning Objectives And Desired Outcomes
  • Instructions
  • E-Learning Content And Activities
  • E-Learning Assessment Pages
  • Recap And Review

Create a Default E-Learning Template

  • Once you identify the generic structure of an E-Learning course, you can build a starter template. Each software template would differ in one or the other way.
  • When you’re ready with the course, start with the default template. At this point, do not try to fit all of your content to match the template. Instead, use the template which gives you a guide at your initial development.
The basic structure of the E-Learning Template

Some of the free E-Learning templates available with:

Step#3 Cloud-based E-Learning platform

What is Cloud?

  • Cloud is a kind of place where one can outsource computer programs. This helps users to access software and applications from wherever they are and users do not have to worry about things such as storage and power, they can simply enjoy the end result.

What is cloud-based E-Learning?

  • Cloud-based E-Learning is online learning that takes place in the cloud, a virtual space that is not tied to any computer.
  • There are various cloud-based E-Learning management systems available, which brings them whole lots of benefits for the classroom at all educational levels.

Some examples of popular Cloud-based E-Learning platforms people use are :

Benefits of Cloud-based E-Learning platforms are :

1. Staying Updated

  • Think of a world where updates occur automatically and are then immediately functional from all access points.
  • E-Learning service providers will run updates through the cloud, rather than performing individual system updates.

2. Global Education

  • The most important aspect for E-Learning is the flexibility it brings to education, eliminating geographical barriers and time constraints.
  • Remote lectures could be revolutionary for a growing population.
  • Cloud computing is an opportunity for providers to extend their reach even farther and ignite a global learning community without expending any additional resources.

Step#4 Monetization

During the process of developing your course, you must find out how you’re going to get profit from it. There are a number of different models, including:

  • Subscription-based- Subscription-based model will fetch you revenue every month i.e customers pay a monthly fee and they have access to as many courses and features as they want.
  • Pay-per-course- As the name suggests, customers pay for the course whenever needed, you can commonly see this type of modules on sites like Udemy– which uses pay-per-course model.
  • Advertisement-based-The main aim is to generate a large volume of traffic and then monetize by selling ad space and offering add-on products.

You may choose some of these models or go your own route entirely. However, it is important to come up with your monetization strategy prior to producing the content.

Step#5 No Content for your New E-Learning Platform?

Then Read on…

  • If you don’t have the tools or skills to make your own content, then you have to make mixed media components, you can essentially install connections to recordings, introductions, and some other online assets straightforwardly into your E-Learning course.
  • This gives your students the chance to get to data rapidly, without scouring the web for media that identifies with the substance.
  • Additionally, it makes your E-Learning course look increasingly cleaned and proficient, the same number of recordings and online introductions, for example, those on YouTube, can be played specifically inside the E-Learning course.

Step#6 Give learners a chance to test their knowledge

  • This will help your students or the subscribers to test their knowledge on the topic which they had looked up.
  • An online learning platform must have proper assessments to gauge students’ progress.
  • Providing suggestions based on their assessments and sharing analytics or reports on the student’s strengths and weaknesses could prove beneficial for them.
  • Apart from scheduled tests or a final assessment paper, occasional quizzes or pop-up questions can provide interaction and increase learning efficacy.

Step#7 Report Scheduling

  • When you purchase your E-Learning platform, ensure that the software has flexible reporting and analytics features.

Because: These reports and metrics are crucial for running a successful E-Learning organization. These reporting features can help you create a more effective marketing campaign and make sure that your current online learners are getting the most from the E-Learning experience.

Benefits of Launching E-Learning Platform

1. E-Learning has Economic Benefits

  • “Return on Investment “

2. E-Learning Is Convenient and Flexible

  • E-learning has no boundaries. One of the key advantages of E-Learning is that platform launchers have the ability to launch this platform easily without any hassle.

3. Easy management

  • In an era where E-Learning is becoming more accessible, you have an opportunity to create something from zero and build an online school completely from scratch.
  • A lightweight E-Learning platform such as Vlite provides all the E-Learning tools to easily host and manage course content of your site.

Coming to an End …

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