Mobius Company Updates: March 7, 2018

David Gobaud
Mobius Network
Published in
6 min readMar 7, 2018

We have heard you on Telegram, Reddit, and Twitter… so, starting today, we’ll send out an email newsletter every few weeks that will also be published here on our blog. Our newsletters will feature a range of company updates and focus mainly on product, team, and partnership updates.


While partnership announcements have taken the spotlight, the engineering team has been busy developing the Mobius technology and adding features to our #1 Google ranked (which has led to substantial organic growth!) DApp Store and Universal Blockchain API that has been featured in Programmable Web and Marketing Land.

First, if you are a developer, please join us in our Mobius Telegram Developer Group! The Developer Telegram Group is a great way to get real-time support for any Mobius developer product. You can also always email

International Language Support

To support our fast growing international user base we launched Korean and Japanese versions of the Mobius website.

New DApp Store Feature

We have received several feature requests from users that we have implemented, including the below.

  1. Each DApp now features a Withdraw button that allows a user to withdraw unused credits back to the DApp Store.
  2. Launched a new Deposits page that allows users to view their current DApp deposits and withdraw unused ones.
  3. Launched a new public transactions feature that facilitates greater transparency into DApp Store credit uses so users can trust when an application says they received X credits during a certain period (eg helpful for giveaway apps).
  4. On the API side we added a Credit call that is the reverse of Use and allows developers to give credits back to users (eg as a refund or reward etc).

Universal Blockchain API Stellar Token Support

The Mobius Universal Blockchain Token API has been updated to include support for any Stellar token.

Mobius SDKs

We have been busy creating SDKs for our API across many languages to make it as easy as possible for any developer to use the Mobius DApp Store and Universal Blockchain API in order to connect to the blockchain economy. Several community members including Zulu Crypto and @emalamisura have created SDKs and earned MOBI bounties in the process.

  1. PHP created by Zulu Crypto (guide here).
  2. .NET created by @emalamisura.
  3. Node.js created by Mobius.
  4. React Native created by Mobius.
  5. Python created by Mobius.

Decentralized Data Marketplace (Alpha)

We launched an alpha version of the DData Marketplace that allows developers to easily connect live data streams to the blockchain ecosystem. Businesses and developers alike can begin buying and selling data through the marketplace and have data submitted to any Ethereum smart contract that supports the interface. Developer docs can be found here:

Upcoming Developments

We are also working on a big change to the DApp Store that we will detail soon. In short, we are working to move much more of it on-chain and transition to an open-source, front-end GUI architecture, modeled after StellarTerm and MyEtherWallet (MEW)!


Our Co-Founder and COO Cyrus Khajvandi and our new Head of Marketing Kevin Leu (more below) are still busy meeting with and speaking to blockchain communities and on-ramp partners around the world. They presented to a packed house with over 200 people at GOPAX’s Welcome Mobius event in Seoul last week and then hosted another 150 people at a Mobius event organized by Cryptominded.

In Seoul for a GOPAX and Cryptominded events, then in Tokyo at Yahoo Japan

They ended the week speaking in Tokyo over the weekend. Both Cyrus and Monis Rahman, our Head Research Scientist, were invited to speak at Yahoo Japan and share Mobius’ development of its Proof of Stake Oracle Protocol (PSOP).

We’re now headed down under and will be in Melbourne and Sydney on March 14 and March 15, respectively! If you’re in the area, feel free to invite your friends or pass on the information. We can always use your help and support!


We are excited to announce that MOBI will be one of Bitmart’s seven initial launch tokens listed when the site goes live on March 14! In an online contest, counting both Twitter votes and an online form, MOBI finished #2! We’re very excited to be working with Bitmart whose tech team we met in Hangzhou, China before Chinese New Year. Bitmart will be a major player on the scene with offices around the world and a global advertising campaign that includes digital ads in New York’s Times Square.

Meeting with the Bitmart tech team in Hangzhou, China

We continue to seek out new On-Ramp Partners around the world in order to have a global presence that makes it easy for people anywhere to acquire DApp Store MOBI.

For a full list of MOBI On-Ramp Partners click here.


If you’ve been following Mobius for a while you know that we’ve gone to great lengths to ensure that we do everything the right way. We hired an elite team of advisers including Paul Hastings, Deloitte, Conyers, and AML Experts to make sure we’re in compliance with all laws and regulations. We are also committed to giving back to the blockchain community and working to reduce compliance costs in order to help others innovate and move the blockchain ecosystem forward.

Our Co-Founder, CEO, and Harvard Law grad David Gobaud wrote his first guest post for VentureBeat, one of the largest tech news sites, announcing a new initiative LawDEX: Open-Source Legal Documents for Blockchain Developers and Entrepreneurs and explaining why based on a 50-State Money Transmission Laws survey conducted by Paul Hastings we decided to restrict MOBI sales in six states — click here to learn what states we restricted and why.


Kevin Leu, who has been with us since October, recently joined us full-time as our Head of Marketing. Kevin started his career as a TV news reporter working in several markets, including San Diego, California and Columbus, Ohio. He has also led Community and PR for MerchantCircle (acquired for $60M), helping to grow the MerchantCircle SMB community to over one million members; led Marketing and Growth for Tubi TV through their Series B round, growing its audience and traffic by over 250% in less than one year; and led PR for non-profit Girls in Tech, which has the mission of advancing the number of girls and women participating in technology-related fields.

Welcome Kevin!

Keep an eye out for additional hires as we strategically build our team in the coming months.

Love to Code? Join the Team!

We are actively looking to hire amazing software engineers (particularly with blockchain experience) and at least one to join as a Founding Engineer. If you would like to apply please take our simple coding challenge (that no one has successfully completed yet 😭) that should take, at most, 2 hours:

Thank you for your continued support as we build out our comprehensive ecosystem that makes it easy for any company and developer to connect and utilize blockchain technology. Our MOBI token is the backbone for transactions within the DApp Store and data sharing throughout the blockchain economy. Many more product and on-ramp announcements coming soon!

Remember to follow us on our Telegram and Twitter for the latest updates.

We thank everyone in our growing community for all of your support and suggestions!

The Mobius Team

