Mobius DApp Store 2.0 Demo

David Gobaud
Mobius Network
Published in
2 min readMay 1, 2018

Two weeks ago we released the DApp Store 2.0 Ruby SDK Beta (GitHub) and now we are releasing a test network demo of the new non-custodial DApp Store 2.0 — you can see it live at Demo usage instructions are below.

Note: This is a demo primarily for developers so they can test the new DApp Store token flow and architecture that is described in the Ruby SDK Beta blog (GitHub). The production release planned for later this month includes an entirely new UI/UX and will be open source. Right now developers can use this new demo site and the open source Floppy Bird DApp to see the new payment flow live on the test network.

Developers: If you have a DApp you are developing and want to test it on the Demo DApp Store please email and we can add it to the store for you! All developers that create a DApp that we add to the store before launch will receive 10,000 MOBI*!

We are also working on an updated product roadmap. One additional thing we will be doing with the DApp Store is making it more decentralized by storing DApp data on the blockchain itself — more details soon :)


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Demo Usage Instructions

  1. Go to
  2. Click “Sign Up” button, enter/confirm password, and download keystore file
  3. Open wallet (select keystore file, enter password, click open wallet)
  4. Copy your master account public key
  5. In a new tab open the Stellar Lab Testnet Friendbot, paste your public key into the Friendbot textbox, click “Get test network lumens”
  6. Back on the DApp Store site click “Top Up”
  7. In a new tab open the Mobius Testnet Friendbot, paste your master public key into the textbox, click “Get test network MOBI”
  8. Back on the DApp Store site close the “Top Up” panel and you should see that you now have 10,000 XLM and 1,000 MOBI.

9. Under Flappy Bird click Top Up, enter 100, click Confirm

10. Wait for Flappy Bird to show 100 MOBI in it then click the bird to open the game

*Terms subject to change at anytime

