Can you beat a bad chess player?

Moblize.IT LLC
Moblize.IT LLC
Published in
2 min readMar 5, 2021

When you hear the word “Chess” the things that comes to your mind is smart, strategic, brain power etc etc. Playing good chess and becoming a good player takes years of efforts and time. Though a single digit percent of people really get good enough, majority of the people have played chess at one point of time.

A lot of people stop playing chess is because they do not have that kind of time to spend. The another significant reason of abandoning chess is that though it is a game and games are meant to be fun but that fun element does not hold for long. The reason? Well we human like to Win more often than losing at the least.

Imagine a player that you beat almost all the time and the objective is not to win but to relax your mind. Pick it anytime and for whatever amount of time. Make moves beat it and move on!

That’s where we came up with “Bad Chess” a fun app that you can use to relax and have fun anytime. Feeling low? Need some Confidence? Start with a few win streaks on “Bad Chess”.

It is available for andorid and ios and can be downloaded from

And yes: it does not require any of your profile information or login creation.

Download Now:



Moblize.IT LLC
Moblize.IT LLC

Moblize.IT LLC is a leading IT consulting company offering services in the area of chat bot development, cross platform mobile app development & modernizing UIs