Psychology of color

neeti singhal
Moblize.IT LLC
Published in
4 min readMay 24, 2020

We are born in a world of colors and have recognized the things around it with the colors. Colors are everywhere, colors influence our personality, our choices, and even our mood. Colors do not only make things pretty but also gives meaning. In different cultures, colors may have a different meaning so it is important to know the meaning of a particular color in that cultural context.

Colors are majorly classified as Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary colors.

Primary colors are which are the source of other colors, in other terms they are pure form. Red, Yellow, and Blue are considered to be Primary colors.

Secondary colors are the colors that are created by mixing the primary colors like Red and Yellow makes orange and Yellow and Blue makes green.

Tertiary colors are made by mixing by secondary colors like Purple, Cyan, and mustard yellow, etc.

Color Wheel

Colors are also classified as warm and cool colors, the Reds, Oranges, and Yellows are warm colors whereas Blue, Greens are cool colors. Warm colors are also called active and cool colors are also called passive colors according to their energy.

We can change the color value by adding black, white, and greys into it to change the hues(color) to shade, tint, and tone respectively.

Tint, Shade, and Tone

Branding is associated with the colors as colors reflect the meaning and personality of a business. What is a brand selling and what values they reflect? Colors are associated with the meanings and those meanings can be powerful.

Red color reflects power, passion, and love but also caution, warning, and blood. On the other side, it makes us hungry. Red is the color that our eyes absorb quicker so it is very eye-catchy. With such a powerful meaning, if Red color is used appropriately it can deliver a very strong message for the audience. Popular brands like Coca-cola, Honda, and Lego use the red color logos to reflect their strong establishment.

Brands using Red color

Green is a cool color and symbolizes nature. It also reflects clean, growth, youth, vast, natural, organic, and trustworthy. So, brands with cleaning supplies, organics, grocery stores, energy, and even banks use this color for reflecting trust and transparency.

Brand using Green color

Blue is another cool color and it reflects the trust, intelligence, power, and establishments. Most IT companies use this color to shows their intelligence, strength and confidence in this business world.

Brand using Blue color

The black color is associated with authority, rich, bold, dynamic, confident, luxurious, glamorous, and mysterious. Many luxury brands and high-end fashion industry use black in their logo design to reflect their value and create an image.

Brand using Black color

White/Grey color is often associated with purity, transparency, clarity, and sophistication. Often brands with education, jewels, and automobiles use their logo either by creating white space or using grey color.

Yellow is associated with happiness, positivity, and brightness. Yellow is another color that is absorbed by the human eye the most. Most children's brands, superheroes, and food items use the yellow color to bring happy vibes.

A quick brief for the colors for their meanings and used in brand recognition.

Meaning of colors

However, this is a commonly used trend but this is not the case always. Many Brand has chosen a totally different color for their businesses to create uniqueness, being different, or to be an eye-catchy. So, it is important to know “ What emotions you want to evoke with your Brand color”?

