The Ultimate Solution with Blockchain!

Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2018

The following extract was taken from a recent article in CryptoCapitalNews:

“First, there was gold and physical money and money equivalents. Then there was debt. After that, there was equity. Now, there are tokens. These are the fourth, and newest, asset class”.

The E&S Group consisting of financial and business advisors in the blockchain space also stated the following:

“Tokenomics is the design of the token ecosystem. Correct tokenomics can quite simply make the difference between a successful ICO and one that fails to raise the amount required”.

By this time, it is common knowledge that MOBU is a decentralised and end-to-end solution for launching compliant security tokens. MOBU is a competitive ecosystem that implements a unique MOB20 standard protocol. As MOBU is an ERC20 token and built on Ethereum it will have same transaction costs and speed of the Ethereum network which is almost instantaneous! The MOB20 standard is like a SABS stamp of approval recognised across the world of compliant security tokens. It will comply will all features of MOBU which include a unique escrow to protect investors and furthermore symbolize TRUST.

How it Works

Businesses who wish to issue security tokens will build their ICOs on the MOBU platform. MOBU bridges the gap between the securities marketplace and the blockchain, and it facilitates the release of fully compliant security tokens for all businesses backed by real assets.

Why is Blockchain needed in MOBU?

To create a set of rules that govern the issuance of security tokens, and program them into smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain so they are transparent and immutable.

What Type of Token is MOBU?

Utility token.

What Type of Tokens are created on the MOBU platform?

Security tokens.

MOBU Tokenomics and Sustainability

The MOBU token is a utility token that powers the MOBU ecosystem, it’s an open protocol token, which can be freely bought and sold on supporting exchanges. The tokens are utilized by users of the platform which include but are not limited to ICO issuers, Developers, KYC Providers, Investors and Legal Representatives.

In terms of sustainability MOBU charges 1% of all ICO`s using the MOBU platform and a small percentage of all transactions in the marketplace.

What is the Marketplace?

The marketplace is where all the vetted KYC providers, Escrow providers, Legal providers and technical smart contract developers operate to ensure compliant security tokens.

Key Features of the MOB20 standard

MOBU has a special feature what is referred to as the “lock-up” utility. This feature is simple and easy to understand but manages to enhance MOBU’s tokenomics in a big way! All the ICO service providers on MOBU will stake x amount of MOBU tokens to receive the right to operate in the ecosystem. These tokens will be locked up for the full duration while a service provider remains and utilises the MOBU ecosystem and thus creating a scarcity of MOBU tokens.

Another key feature of the MOB20 standard is its unique escrow offering! By introducing a new innovative and unique method of escrow services to ICO`s, investors are protected by enabling them to exit the ICO after the crowdsale on a pro-rata basis if the ICO issuers do not adhere to their roadmap or goals.

Make sure to be part of this revolutionary epoch!







Editor for

MOBU is a decentralised platform and end-to-end solution for ICOs to launch compliant security tokens on the blockchain.