Dependency Injection in Swift

Semih Ozsoy
MobvenLab Eng
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2023

This article provides a comprehensive exploration of dependency injection in Swift, elucidating various types of dependency injection techniques, their significance in software development, and their potential impact on code maintainability and testability.

1. Introduction
Dependency injection is a pivotal concept in modern software development, enabling the creation of flexible and maintainable code by decoupling components and facilitating the testing process. This article delves into the realm of dependency injection in the context of Swift programming, elucidating the different types of dependency injection and their relevance to software engineering.

2. Dependency Injection: An Overview
Dependency injection is a design pattern where an object, often referred to as the dependent object, receives its dependencies from an external source rather than creating them internally. In essence, it involves injecting dependent objects into the target object, thereby reducing coupling and enhancing modularity.

3. Types of Dependency Injections
3.1. Initializer Injection (Constructor Injection)
Initializer injection is the most prevalent form of dependency injection in Swift. It involves passing dependencies as parameters in an object’s initializer, ensuring that the object is properly configured upon instantiation. For instance, consider the following example:

protocol NetworkRequestProtocol {
func fetchMoneyTransfer()

final class TransferViewController {
let networkRequest: NetworkRequestProtocol

init(networkRequest: NetworkRequestProtocol) {
self.networkRequest = networkRequest


In this case, the `TransferViewController` relies on the `networkRequest` property, which is injected through the initializer.

3.2. Setter Injection (Property Injection)
Setter injection, also known as property injection, relies on methods within a class to inject dependencies after object creation. This approach can be advantageous in certain scenarios:

protocol NetworkRequestProtocol {
func fetchBalance()

final class TransferDetailViewController {
let networkService: NetworkRequestProtocol

func setFetchBalance(networkService: NetworkRequestProtocol) {
self.networkService = networkService


Here, the `setFetchBalance` method allows for the injection of the `networkService` dependency.

3.3. Interface Injection
Interface injection is a variation of setter injection that emphasizes loose coupling between components. It involves defining interfaces (protocols in Swift) that specify the required behavior of dependencies. Consider this example:

protocol NetworkRequestProtocol {
func fetchExecute()

protocol StoreRequestProtocol {
func storeReceipt()

protocol TransferConfirmationWorkerProtocol {
func network(service: NetworkRequestProtocol)
func store(service: StoreRequestProtocol)

final class TransferConfirmationViewController: TransferConfirmationWorkerProtocol {
var networkRequest: NetworkRequestProtocol?
var storeRequest: StoreRequestProtocol?

func network(service: NetworkRequestProtocol) {
self.networkRequest = service

func store(service: StoreRequestProtocol) {
self.storeRequest = service


In this instance, `TransferConfirmationViewController` conforms to `TransferConfirmationWorkerProtocol`, which defines the methods required for network and store operations. Dependencies are injected through these methods.

4. The Significance of Dependency Injection
4.1. Enhancing Testability
One of the primary benefits of dependency injection is improved testability. By injecting dependencies, we can easily substitute real implementations with mock objects during unit testing. This enables comprehensive testing of individual components, promoting software quality.

4.2. Loosening Coupling
Dependency injection fosters loose coupling between components, allowing for greater flexibility and extensibility in software systems. Decoupled code is easier to maintain, modify, and scale, making it an essential principle of modern software engineering.

4.3. Reusability and Maintainability
Dependency injection encourages the creation of reusable components, as dependencies can be swapped or extended without impacting the core functionality. This modularity enhances code maintainability and supports the development of robust and adaptable software.

5. Consequences of Neglecting Dependency Injection
Failing to implement dependency injection in a project can have adverse consequences. It compromises testability, making it difficult to perform unit tests and verify the correctness of code. Additionally, strong coupling between classes can lead to code that is challenging to maintain and extend, ultimately hindering the evolution of the software.

6. Conclusion
In summary, dependency injection is a fundamental concept in Swift development that empowers software engineers to build robust, testable, and maintainable code. By understanding the various forms of dependency injection and their benefits, developers can harness this design pattern to create flexible and scalable software systems. Embracing dependency injection is a crucial step toward achieving excellence in software engineering.

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