Introducing Realm Network: Network Effect At Its Best

Animoca Brands
Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2024

The Moca Network’s vision is to maximize network effect amongst web2 and web3 consumers via interoperability. We imagine a digital and physical world where you can use the same account, identity, reputation, or any digital assets (fungible tokens or NFTs) anywhere without any boundaries.

We are realizing this interoperable vision with the launch of Realm Network, our flagship interoperable infrastructure layer of Accounts, Identity, Reputation, and Points to bootstrap consumer growth and co-build the interoperable consumer network with our core partners.

Visit the Realm Network website here:

Since the launch in November 2023, Moca ID has served as the growth platform for partners within the Mocaverse Partner Network. Together with partners like Pixels, Nine Chronicles, Pixelmon, and Web3 Wallets (OKX, Trust Wallet, Halo Wallet,, with more to be announced, we aim to collectively create a reputation-based economy where users can seamlessly traverse across the Moca Network with the Realm ID; cross-pollinate users within the network and share economics; and reward active users using our PointFi system.

The success of Moca ID was our proof-of-concept. Within 6 months, Moca ID reached close to 1.5M unique on-chain mints. Combined with 700M+ addressable Web2 & Web3 users seeded by Animoca Brands ecosystem, the possibilities of the ecosystem are endless.

We’re thrilled to partner with Cyber, the creators of the Layer 2 for Social and other on-chain protocols, and Web3Auth, a leading Wallet-as-a-Service provider, to support the Realm Network for consumer growth.

What is Realm Network?

Imagine a world where:

  • You can travel anywhere with 1 passport (no visas required)
  • You can drive in any jurisdiction without an international license
  • You can withdraw and deposit funds anytime, anywhere
  • You can spend a currency that is accepted by all payment terminals across countries; and
  • Your credit score is recognized everywhere in the world instead of just your residing country

Realm Network has an ambitious yet achievable mission to bring interoperability to the world, regardless of web2 or web3. With Animoca Brands’ and Moca Network’s pre-existing ecosystem, we believe that Realm Network stands the best chance to achieve this ambitious mission, starting with interoperable account, ID, reputation, and points.

By joining the Realm Network, projects can enjoy the day 1 community bootstrapping, and the community can access a vast network of consumer applications without managing numerous variations of accounts.

To facilitate a seamless onboarding experience for Realm Network users, Mocaverse is working closely with our industry leading co-development solution partners Web3Auth and Cyber to co-build the interop infrastructure layer through 3 key products: Realm Account, Realm ID, and Realm Points

1. Realm Account — The Portable Embedded Account

Use one web2-friendly social login to access hundreds of applications, without worrying about gas, repetitive transaction signing, and seed phrase management.

2. Realm ID — Programmable DID and On-Chain Reputation

Realm Network partners can create custom domain names and distribute DID to their corresponding user base. User reputation can be attested to the DID on-chain, and read or written across multiple chains. Shared infrastructure and reputation schema allows users and utilities to be easily cross-pollinated in a reputation-based economy.

3. Realm Points — The Permissionless PointFi System

Earn Realm Points by interacting with Realm Network partners, while all Realm Network partners can request you to burn Realm Points for the benefits provided by the partner. Mocaverse’s unique PointFi system is going to offer token and NFT rewards in the near future.

Moca ID is the first showcase of the Realm Network, and serves as a demonstration of the possibilities of Realm Account and Realm Points adoption. Stay tuned as we announce upcoming partners, with more Realm Network partners to be announced!



Animoca Brands

The leader in branded blockchain gaming. Animoca Brands website: