Let’s talk about Pettiness

Stephanie Cooper
Hangin With Ms. Cooper
4 min readDec 17, 2021

You know the saying “treat others as you would like to be treated”? It’s an old saying that merits a lot of lessons. It’s a lesson that is supposed to teach you about respecting others. It’s a lessonbout being kind to others in general…NO MATTER WHAT. Now I want you to be honest here, how often do you actually follow and live by this saying?

“So then they that are in the flesh can not please The Most High.”-Romans 8:8

During the last few weeks of my personal life, I have had lots of tests to my personal character. I have had lots of tests on my patience, my self-esteem, and most of all self-control. I have had to catch myself from not cussing at certain individuals. I have had to catch myself from not posting on social media my grief about what someone else has said or done to me. I have had to literally be “uncomfortable” in order to stay in the Word. Let me tell you something, it’s HARD! Do you knowhow much I have wanted to go off on certain individuals in my life? Do you know how much I’ve wanted to hit certain people because they have mouthed off to me? I have literally had to “take it” and just keep it moving.

Now I bet you’re wondering “why?” Why am I allowing certain behaviors or people to get under my skin? Why am I allowing myself to get stressed out? Honestly, I’m not “allowing” this all to happen. I’m trying to live my life for our Heavenly Father. I’m trying to get my blessings and be pleasing to HIM and sometimes, it’s “easier said than done”. It’s moments like this where you have to rely on your faith and what ISN’T comfortable. I’m telling you that it’s very hard not to be petty, especially when it comes from the ultimate players of pettiness…your friends and family.

Family. You can’t choose them and you certainly
can’t trade them in. You can’t pick which ones to
hate (I mean you can) but you get where I’m going
with this. You can’t get rid of them like you can a
boyfriend or a girlfriend or coworkers or friends. You
have to literally deal with family no matter what. They are there, they aren’t going anywhere. I had to deal with family a lot whenever I allowed them to come into my home so they could get themselves right financially. Now when you have a lot of family under one roof, there’s bound to be a lot of friction. I was honestly tired of dealing with family at that point. I’m one who likes privacy and space and I didn’t have either. THAT wasn’t my complaint. My complaint was the lack of respect . “The beginning of strife is as when one lets out water; therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with.”-Proverbs 17:14

I had to bite my tongue in so many different instances. I’ve had to keep quiet because you have to ask yourself, “is it really worth it?” “Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice: and be ye kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another even as the Most High for Yeshua’s sake hath forgiven you.”-Ephesians 4:31–32.

I hear you. When you’re in your feelings you don’t want to be good. You don’t want to do what the Bible says. You want revenge, you want retribution, you want that person to feel and know how you’re feeling RIGHT NOW! I get it! Trust I’m right there with you. But unfortunately, and listen carefully when I say this, revenge isn’t for you. Revenge isn’t for you to do. The Most High will avenge you in the end. I know you may be thinking that his timing ins’t fast enough, but trust…it will make a difference when you wait. Put it like this…you not wanting to wait will mean ultimately that he will have to punish you too. That’s NOT the business, so let’s not even go there.

Being petty may be cute or even fun at times. It might even feel great to get even with someone who has done wrong by you. I want you to think of this though…would the Most High approve of your pettiness?

Stephanie Cooper is the Editor in Chief of Mocha Inspirations Magazine. She is also CEO of Inspiring Connections Media & Publishing. Check out her podcast “Hangin with Ms. Cooper” available whereever you listen to podcasts. Stephanie is married and the mother of two.



Stephanie Cooper
Hangin With Ms. Cooper

Professional Photographer & Broadcaster. C0-Founder of Inspiring Connections Media & Broadcasting. Wife. Mom.