Stop Giving Away Your “Goodies”!

Stephanie Cooper
Hangin With Ms. Cooper
5 min readDec 14, 2021

So since it’s currently a “pandemic” going on, I’ve been at home a lot more often. In doing so I’ve been on social media a lot more lately. Well in my social media scrolling, I’ve noticed a trend. Since it’s summer time,(at the time of this writing) there are more and more people going to the beach (when it’s open) and showing off their summer bodies. There are more and more people literally showing their “goodies” and being quite content and proud of themselves. Then there are the music videos such as “WAP” with Meg the Stallion and Cardi B. I’m looking at all of this and I’m at a loss for words…literally. Nor from shock, not from shame, but from the extreme wonder of why it’s okay to be naked. And I’m not talking physically naked, but just “naked” in general.

Ladies are always talking about ow they can’t get a good man and how men are just after one thing. There are so many complaints from women who just want a man who will love and respect them. There are so many women who just want a good man who will treat them the way that they want to be be treated. I hear you ladies. I HEAR YOU. You deserve to have all of that. But in order to do that…YOU NEED TO COVER YOUR ASS UP!

Yes cover up! Let me ask you a question: If you are going around displaying your “goodies” on social media for everyone and their mama to see, what do you expect to attract? A good man? A bad one? Someone who will want to take you out on a date and possibly start a relationship with you? Because when you post up what you got and you’re literally giving it away for free…you’re attracting the wrong type of attention. In fact, you’re attracting the man that you don’t want. You’re attracting all sorts of trouble.

Instead of finding a man who will love and appreciate you, you’re attracting a man who just wants to have sex with you and then move onto the next. You’re attracting a man that just wants to hit it and quit it. You’re attracting a man who will brag about you too is buddies and say that you’re a THOT and will tell them exactly how to get in your pants. Because you are out there just showing off your goods, he doesn’t even have to introduce you to his friends, so you will have no clue if you’re messing with a man that’s friends with the guy you just slept with not that long ago. Are you noticing a pattern?

I bet you’re thinking…that’s just for single women, I’m a married woman and don’t need to worry about that. Okay for you married women, YOU are a reflection of your husband. You are a representation of what he values in a woman. When you show off your “goodies” to the whole world, you’re giving away what he gets to see every night. You’re also inviting temptation into your home. Did it ever occur to you that when you show off what you have, you’re giving your competition the edge that they need to try and seduce your man? No need for them to try and flirt with your man indirectly to find out what he likes. You’re doing the work for them. You’re making it easier for them to dress like you…flirt like you..and pretty much seduce your man whenever because they are literally taking cues and notes from your displays of showing off your body. You’re also inviting trouble into your home by other men as well. Other men that you don’t want to give you that attention will, because you’re readily displaying it for them to see too. You may think that you’re making women jealous or attracting “haters”, but in reality you’re setting yourself up for so much more. It’s one of those things where “less is more” is the more practical approach no matter how “old fashion” that it may seem.

For those of you who seem to disagree, let me put it like this. Would you display yourself like that to The Most High? Would you tell him that you “earned” the right to display your body like that? And most importantly would you want to? (Crickets)

Now that I have your attention, let me say it like this. The Most High knows that you like how your body looks. HE gave you that body. He also wants you to RESPECT your body. Your body is a temple. You need to respect it. You can’t be displaying your goodies to everyone and expect blessings upon blessings. It simply doesn’t work that way. Ladies, our bodies are so much more than display cases or trophies. We carry and birth our children, we exercise, we make love with our bodies, we use our bodies for literally EVERYTHING. Don’t disrespect it boy showing it off to strangers who really have no business looking at you lustfully.

I’m by no means hating on anyone who displays their bodies. I’m for one glad that you are taking strides to keep yourself in top form and want others to know it too. You’re spreading health awareness. I’m all for that. But you need to be pleasing to the Most High when you do such a thing. Remember that he loves and cares for you. Dress in a way that is most pleasing to him…not what they world thinks is pleasing. You would be surprised in just. how much it changes not just you, ut the way people view you as well.

You weren’t expecting that…

Stephanie Cooper is the creator of “Hanging with Ms. Cooper” Podcast . She’s a wife and mother of two. Stephanie Cooper is also the founder/CEO of Inspiring Connections Media.



Stephanie Cooper
Hangin With Ms. Cooper

Professional Photographer & Broadcaster. C0-Founder of Inspiring Connections Media & Broadcasting. Wife. Mom.