5 Most Used Mobile Form Design Principles and Examples for Learning

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3 min readJul 3, 2018


Right mobile form design can make a good result. The 5 most used mobile form design principles and examples will help you on user experience and wining market.

When people enjoy the great convenience brought by mobile apps, it has virtually gone through various of mobile form design examples. The mobile form design is the interaction step with the user in mobile application design, including registration, subscription, user feedback, questionnaire forms, purchase, and sales transactions, and so on. A good form design can help improve user experience, increase conversion rate, and achieve better marketing results.

Each form design page has a specific purpose, either to attract registration or to close a deal. Poorly designed forms or even mistaken designs may lead to the loss of users or transaction failures. Therefore, we need to understand the basic principles of form design, to avoid the mistakes in design.

1. Logical clarity

Forms are the language of communication with the user. Like any dialogue, it should help the parties complete the exchange in a logical way.

2. Try to use a single column design

Multi-column forms can easily be missed by users and cannot be filled out. The single-form form has a single, direct, and relatively efficient path.

3. Reduce input

The longer the form, the more complex the user’s willingness to complete the overall form — especially on a small screen. Minimize the number of input fields to make your forms load faster, especially when you ask the user for a lot of information. Keep the form as short as possible.

4. Provide suitable input methods

It’s recommended to provide different keyboards, such as when input account, password, fill in the mailbox, enter the nickname, etc.. That will minimize input errors, help users quickly complete the fill.

5. Avoid using labels as placeholders

There is a design pattern, it uses a label as a placeholder in the input box and disappears automatically when the user clicks on the input. This kind of design is simple, but it’s easy for users to forget what fields they need to enter when they type, and it also creates problems.

5 Best Mobile Form Design Examples for Deep Learning

1. Dropbox — by Sam Atmore

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