How to Enjoy the Sun After 5 pm

Ciara Rafter
Moda Furnishings
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2016

For those of you in 9–5 jobs, here is how to get your most out of the good weather in the evening

It’s one of those days where all you want is to sit in your garden with good company and be quietly content in the sun. A sunbed with the shade in close-reach and a supply of ice pops and cold beverages at your fingertips and you’re happy as Larry. In a hypothetical world, that would be.

Unfortunately, most of us 9 to 5ers have to wait until the longest, muggiest and stickiest day in office history is over. After a further heated commute home in rush hour, you finally make it home. Forget the usual comforting cup of tea you have when you get home and pop goes the wine bottle cork instead. It’s not ideal, your predicament of watching the sun shine as you work inside, but lets think of this positively — the sun is safer after 5 so there will be less risk of turning up to work pink faced and smelling of after sun tomorrow morning.

With most of the day wasted of the luxurious weather, you’ll have to really soak up the sun post 5 o’clock to get the most of it. I suggest you spend as minimum time in the house as possible. Enjoy the garden you rarely get to truly appreciate and get the barbeque going. Get the sunbeds out of the shed where they’ve been deprived from the sun for too long and you’re good to go.

Eat as many ice pops as possible, have another burger, go on — it’s not like you get to have barbequed ones every day, read that book you’ve been meaning to finish for months, now is the time to relax, all the while getting that much needed vitamin D. Sun exposure releases endorphins in our brain so it’s no wonder we feel happier, healthier and generally better when the sun comes out. Make the most of this because we all know the thunderstorms are set to hit in a day or two and we will be kicking ourselves if we don’t get at least a little bit of a glow — I’ll even take sunburn other nothing.

If you’re not feeling like a quiet evening in the sun, stick your favourite summer playlist on and invite your friends and family over for a spontaneous garden party. It may only be Wednesday, but by Friday we all know it’ll be raining again. Besides, spontaneous plans are usually the best kind. With zero expectation, everyone will just be happy to be drinking a beer in the sun with their nearest and dearest. Pressure only exists for pre-planned occasions when you have time to think back and forth about minor details like which salad bowl to use and if you should make a traditional sangria with red wine or go all out and use white wine (the answer is easy — both!). So send a quick text to your friends and get thinking on your feet as to how to throw your Wednesday night summer party.

If these dreamy plans aren’t getting you itching for 5 o’clock, I don’t know what will. Just make sure that whatever you do, do it outside. Spend time in the fresh air whilst you can and enjoy the thunderstorm from inside when it begins.

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Ciara Rafter
Moda Furnishings

Trying not to miss anything whilst also wanting to write everything, but definitely writing something.