MODA 2023 Roadmap Update

Music3 by MODA DAO
Published in
4 min readApr 13, 2023

MODA has big plans for 2023, with some incredibly exciting updates on the way for our musician and token-holder community.

Q1 — New Website LIVE NOW

MODA has recently updated its website at to include the following:

  • A new artist/drops section to explore the music on sale
  • Dedicated V3RSE page
  • Integrated application forms for grants and metaverse performances
  • Wallet connect improvements
  • Genesis NFT Player

Genesis NFT Player

Q1: New Hires

MODA has recently hired three new full-time contributors:

  • Nic: Full-stack Web3 Developer leading the development of the new MODA products. Nic brings seven years of engineering experience, three to five years of web3 experience, and a keen passion for music.
  • Sam: Full-stack Web3 Developer Brought on to help develop the new MODA, Sam brings over 12 years of engineering experience with four of those in Web3.
  • Jozef: Senior Digital Product Manager Recently relocating from San Francisco to New Zealand, Jozef is a Senior Digital Product Manager starting this month. Jozef is also an electronic music record label owner and a Bitcoin OG, first getting involved back in 2013.

Q2: Staking

MODA Staking is finally ready to launch, expected to go live in Q2. The team has waited for sufficient testing and good market conditions to launch staking. With a new product on the way soon, this six-month staking plan will help see the community through to the new product launch and will incentivise loyalty and growth as we get ready for the new product.

After the initial 6 Month Staking period, the DAO looks to launch a new finance hub within the rebranded and relaunched platform to help artists maximise their on-chain music industry earnings.

(Designs and APY are indicative only)

Q3 : Open Source Club

V3RSE is simply the best custom-built music venue in Decentraland, and with several awesome parties already under our belt, the future is bright.

Our next move is to make V3RSE open-source.

What does that mean?

The V3RSE repo will be made public. This means any team or community member with the right skills can get in and mess with the nightclub build, adding their graphics and elements. Then, if you hold at least 1000 MODA tokens, you can apply to have your version of the build hosted on our parcel for the purpose of running your party! 15% of any ticket sales or revenue will need to be shared with MODA.

Additionally, we are working on a fully automated set-booking functionality that will enable any MODA member with 100 or more $MODA to book their slot on the decks at V3RSE. Stage One is live now, and with some manual elements, all we ask is for 72 hours’ notice before your event.

Party in the metaverse

Q4: New Product

With volume on music NFTs low and still a fair amount of artist and collector uncertainty to overcome, the MODA core team has been researching, planning, designing and developing a powerful new product with undeniable value for the Web3 music community.

The new platform will offer and end-to-end Web3 Music sharing, discovery, minting and distribution platform. The platform will be open to all token holders, will generate revenue for the DAO treasury and will drive forward the future of Web3 music.

This product is designed to capture the biggest possible slice of the $180 billion music streaming business that will emerge by 2030 (Numbers by Goldman Sachs)

Q4: Rebrand

MODA is set to undertake a classic Web3 rebrand in late 2023! Why? With a bumpy start, low brand equity and a new product on the way, we feel the need to unite the community and excite the market with a fresh new brand. All will be revealed soon.

Q4: Proxy Token Removal

Following the launch of the new product and the project rebrand, the proxy contract will be disabled in order to improve community trust in the new DAO.

Beyond 2023

It is hard to look beyond 2023 given the huge milestones set to be unlocked this year. We are confident that the new product will lay the foundations for massive growth over 2023, 2024 and 2025 and the DAO will be in full operation taking community input about the direction of the product, the ecosystem, the DAO community and the token.

Throw backs: Revisit our 2022 launch party in New York and 2022 Metaverse music festival with Sasha!



Music3 by MODA DAO

MODA DAO is defining the future of music ownership, distribution and publishing via NFT standards, decentralised governance and automated finance.