2011 Reading Review — Anthony Randazzo

Anthony Randazzo
Modazzo Family Life Review
1 min readJan 1, 2022

In 2011 I made it through 27 books, just short of my total from 2010. They were a mix of fiction and non-fiction, some for work, some for pleasure. These are listed in order that I completed them (some were started and stopped temporarily), but there are no partial books on this list.

I’ve added a rough five star rating system, mo’ stars mo’ praise:

The Ascent of Money ***
Autobiography of J.S. Mill **
Hoodwinked *
Ender’s Game ****
Guaranteed to Fail ****
Art of the Deal ****
Beneath a Marble Sky **
The Fountainhead ***
Love Wins ****
Depression Economics **
The Day After the Dollar Crashes *
All the Devils Are Here *****
Unfamiliar Fishes *****
The Extra 2% ****
The Great Stagnation ****
How to Win a Cosmic War ****
Wicked ****
On China ****
Boomerang ***
The Tipping Point ***
Erasing Hell ****
Bossypants ****
The Affluent Society ***
Bottom of the 33rd ***
Exile on Wall Street **
Decision Points ****
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold *****

Originally published at https://www.anthonyrandazzo.com on January 1, 2012.



Anthony Randazzo
Modazzo Family Life Review

I think people’s politics are unconsciously shaped by their moral intuitions. And I write a lot about how public pensions are influencing state governments.