2012 Reading Review — Anthony Randazzo

Anthony Randazzo
Modazzo Family Life Review
2 min readJan 1, 2022

In 2012 I made it through 54 books, well exceeding my total from 2011. They were a mix of fiction and non-fiction, some for work, some for school, some for pleasure. Most were first time reads, a few were re-reads out of curiosity. These are listed in order that I completed them, there are no partial books on this list. Same crude five star rating as last year:

  1. Against All Enemies ***
  2. Crescent & Star **
  3. The Pacific **
  4. Tree of Smoke *
  5. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy ***
  6. Steve Jobs ***
  7. The World America Made ****
  8. The Yacoubain Building ***
  9. The Hunger Games ***
  10. Catching Fire **
  11. The Revisionists ****
  12. Mockingjay **
  13. Dead or Alive **
  14. Coming Apart ****
  15. Engineering the Financial Crisis *****
  16. Confidence Men ****
  17. Debt: The First 5,000 Years **
  18. Economic Gangsters ***
  19. Drift ***
  20. Islam Without Extremes *****
  21. Art of War **
  22. Imagine *
  23. Free Will *
  24. The Prince ****
  25. A Brief History of Thought *****
  26. Book of Five Rings *
  27. Fault Lines ****
  28. The Iliad *****
  29. The Odyssey ***
  30. Manhunt ****
  31. Freefall **
  32. The Righteous Mind *****
  33. Price of Inequality **
  34. Bailout ***
  35. Why Nations Fail *****
  36. The Blank Slate ****
  37. The Subprime Solution **
  38. Stranger and Friend **
  39. Fearless Speech ***
  40. Price of Politics ****
  41. Marx: An Introduction ****
  42. How the Mind Works ***
  43. Black Skin, White Masks ***
  44. Migrant Media **
  45. Lombard Street **
  46. Thinking Fast and Slow *****
  47. Reclaiming Basque ***
  48. Aftershock **
  49. A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again *****
  50. Everlasting Man **
  51. AIDS and Accusation ***
  52. A Concise History of the Middle East *****
  53. Giving Account of Oneself ****
  54. 1Q84 ***

Originally published at https://www.anthonyrandazzo.com on January 1, 2013.



Anthony Randazzo
Modazzo Family Life Review

I think people’s politics are unconsciously shaped by their moral intuitions. And I write a lot about how public pensions are influencing state governments.