In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Software Crisis emerged due to advancements in computing power, as predicted by Moore's Law, outpacing the ability of software developers to build relevant solutions. Today, we face a similar critical challenge in design: the Design Crisis. The complexity of product creation continues to grow, further exacerbated by pressing sustainability concerns. The issue lies in the fact that the tools, workflows, and processes design organizations depend on cannot keep pace.

At Mode Lab, we are at the forefront of the paradigm shift to Computational Design for Advanced Product Creation, championing a new era of design and production. Our mission is to redefine how businesses approach digital product creation by leveraging cutting-edge computational techniques and tools, fostering a culture of collaboration, agility, and innovation. 

As we embrace this novel approach, we invite bold, visionary leaders to join us in this transformative journey.

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