From Chaos To Unity: Process Mining meets Microsoft Fabric

Published in
5 min readOct 2, 2023

Ever felt like your data management woes could qualify you for a starring role in a sitcom?

You’re not alone.

At times, it’s been tempting to offer my database a cup of coffee, hoping it would spill the beans on its messy secrets. But alas, coffee doesn’t work on databases (trust me, I’ve tried).

Today, I’m your digital confidant, here to introduce you to the dynamic duo: Fabric and Microsoft Process Mining. Now what are they, how do they work and why is useful for you?

What is Fabric?

Fabric is the digital thread that weaves through Microsoft’s ecosystem, connecting data, processes, and insights. It allows organizations to achieve data-driven decision-making. Fabric serves as an integrated data platform that unifies disparate data sources, enabling organizations to gain holistic insights into their operations.

Now this is something you’ve probably heard from every other service provider. However, the OneLake is what makes Fabric standout from similar services

The OneLake to rule them all

The data lake is the foundation for Fabric services, offering a unified storage location for organizational data.

OneLake, built on Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (ADLS Gen2), simplifies user experiences by removing the need to understand infrastructure concepts like resource groups, RBAC, Azure Resource Manager, redundancy, or regions. Additionally, it doesn’t require users to have an Azure account.

OneLake resolves data silos, providing a single, unified storage system for developers, making data discovery and sharing easy while enforcing policy and security settings centrally and uniformly.

What is Process Mining?

Process Mining, on the other hand, is the art of discovering, monitoring, and improving processes based on event data. It’s a critical tool in the quest for operational excellence.

Gartner: “Process mining delivers insights that enable faster, smarter decisions and stronger performance on an organization’s most critical priorities.”

Why the Integration?

The marriage of Fabric and Process Mining is a response to the pressing challenges faced by modern businesses. One such challenge is the ever-elusive ‘data.’ Reliable data is the lifeblood of decision-making, but accessing it can be complex. Indeed, data quality and accessibility remains a big issue in process optimization. However, with this integration, organizations can centralize their data, ensuring a single source of truth.

Benefits of the Integration

The benefits are multifaceted. First, simplified data management, reducing data silos and enhancing data quality. Additionally, the integration facilitates ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, streamlining data extraction, transformation, and loading, making data more accessible and actionable.

Moreover, the integration opens the door to leveraging the Microsoft ecosystem. Via integration with PowerBI, organizations can visualize their process mining insights in existing PowerBI dashboards

Use Case: Enhancing Process Efficiency with KQL, OneLake, and Microsoft Process Mining

Standard Corp is a large manufacturing company that produces consumer electronics. They are looking to optimize their manufacturing processes to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and minimize waste.


Standard Corp’s manufacturing operations generate vast amounts of data, from production line sensors to employee logs. They need a solution to collect, store, and analyze this data to identify bottlenecks, process inefficiencies, and opportunities for optimization.


  1. Creating a KQL Database on Fabric’s OneLake Solution:
  • Standard Corp decides to leverage Microsoft’s OneLake solution to create a centralized data lake that can store diverse data types, including logs, sensor data, and employee records.
  • Within the OneLake environment, they set up a Kusto Query Language (KQL) database (Kusto Query Language (KQL) overview — Azure Data Explorer | Microsoft Learn), optimized for handling large volumes of time-series data and logs efficiently.
  • The KQL database within OneLake allows Standard Corp to ingest and store real-time data from their manufacturing processes, including machine performance metrics, production timestamps, and operator activities.

2. Data Collection and Ingestion:

  • Standard Corp integrates their manufacturing equipment with data collectors and IoT devices, feeding data directly into the KQL database within the OneLake environment.
  • Logs from machines, RFID data, and employee time logs are ingested in real-time, providing a comprehensive view of the manufacturing process.

3. Utilizing Microsoft Process Mining:

  • Standard Corp leverages Microsoft Process Mining, to analyze and visualize end-to-end processes using event log data.
  • They configure Process Mining to connect with their KQL Database in OneLake, enabling it to ingest and analyze the manufacturing process data.

4. Process Analysis and Optimization:

  • Microsoft Process Mining uses the event log data from the KQL Database to create process maps, showing the entire manufacturing workflow, including variations and bottlenecks.
  • By analyzing the event log data, Process Mining identifies process inefficiencies, such as excessive downtime, suboptimal resource allocation, or deviations from standard operating procedures.
  • Standard Corp’s process engineers and analysts use the insights provided by Process Mining to make data-driven decisions and optimize their manufacturing processes in real-time.

A short Recap

In this article, we delved into the Fabric approach to data management, exploring the hurdles in process optimization and the establishment of a centralized data storage hub. We examined the ETL processes and integration with PowerBI. Moreover, we shed light on the synergy between Fabric and process mining, showcasing their collaboration through a practical business scenario. Fabric effectively addresses data challenges in process mining, providing a unified, reliable source for our process mining endeavors.

The Way Forward

While the integration of Fabric and Microsoft Process Mining promises a transformative approach to data-driven decision-making, the journey towards operational excellence has just begun.

As we gaze into the future, the path to success involves continuous improvement. Consider scheduling regular data loads, refining your process models, and fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making. And remember, you don’t have to navigate this path alone.

Join us in this data-driven adventure, where we’ll be your trusted guides. Contact us today, and together, let’s embark on the journey towards operational excellence with Fabric and Process Mining. No need to offer your database a cup of coffee; we’ve got the perfect blend of solutions to awaken you and your data’s potential!

“Adventure in life is good; consistency in coffee even better.” — Justina Headley

